Finding heichou...

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LEVI!!!! Erwin roared so loud you could hear it through the giant Wall Maria.

" Ugh where has that shorty gone!?!" Erwin complained and later smirked as that comment has actually 110% true as Levi was basically more then a head shorter.

" I think I saw him walking with Hanji... over there..." Eren confessed ever so slightly blushing and pointing towards the stairs of thee mansion. Erwin thought for a few moments and a sudden quick look of absolute horror came across his freedom filled eyebrows.

"Holy fuck..." Erwin muttered almost silently.

"What???" Eren remarked.

Hours flew by and Levi was still not found Hanji included too. Eren searched the kitchen and found Sasha raiding the kitchen as usual. Someone hadn't locked the kitchen! Suddenly Sasha turned around, the bread loaf falling out from her mouth and landing with a thunk on the floor, realising that Eren was in the door way looking at her. They stared at each other wide eyed for a few tedious seconds until Eren said

"Ugh Sasha as usual... raiding the kitchen. WE ALL TOLD YOU NOT TO EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING IN THE KITCHEN!!!" With the green emerald fire burning in his large eyes as usual. Sasha dropped to her knees.

"PLEEEEAAAAASE don't tell anyone pleeeaaase I-I-I was hungry"

"Ugh fiiiine I won't... but this is your last chance if I see you again I'll tell ok?" Eren kind of like Sasha's sense of humour but her worrying food habit was the leased liked part of her.

Another hour passed and Eren had looked in the library finding Armin reading a book about physics alone. Until Eren broke the silence.

"Hi man" Armin looked up wearily

"Oh hi Eren" Armin said tiredly breathing it out.

"You tired?" Eren asked noticing the bags under Armin's eyes

"Yeah" Armin replied

"GO sleep Armin you fucking need it" Eren said as if he was Armin's mother

"K mum" Armin replied with a smirk as he walked slowly out of the library

"Wow Armin takes his studies really seriously and no wonder he get A+ all the time" Eren thought.

Eren checked the gym next where he found Mikasa in the gym. So that's where she gets all her muscles and abbs from Eren thought slightly shivering at the thought of making Mikasa angry. He walked up to his adopted sister slightly blushing.

"H-hey Mikasa" Eren stuttered

"Mph hey Eren" Mikasa replied with a slight hint of perspiration

"So what are you here for Eren" Mikasa asked stopping to talk with Eren

"Huh what? Oh I was just for Levi and Hanji have you seen them anywhere?" Eren said as he snapped out of the trance to looking at Mikasa's abbs blushing slightly.

"Well no I haven't" said Mikasa with a suspicious look on here face

"Oh well then I might leave you alone to do your thing and maybe we can go out to tha-"

"Yes ok I'll meat you there nine pm ok" Mikasa interrupted

Eren left the room feeling slightly dazed about Mikasa. Whats more he had a big crush on the corporal. Fuck he was cool and awesome buuuuut he was like 2 times the age of Eren. It was three in the afternoon now he still hadn't found the corporal and Hanji.

"Where could they fucking be" Eren thought as he racked his mind to all the places he could look, so far he had looked in...

- Kitchen

- Library

- Armin's room

- Mikasa's room

- Sasha's room

- Erwin's room

- Levi's room (shhhh don't tell the corporal he'd chuck a fit if he found out!)

- Living room

- Dining room

- Bathrooms

He thought for a few moments oh he'd forgot to check the basement!!! That was the last place and doubted that Shitty four eyes and the corporal would be there. He stood up his legs aching and dragged his feet down the basement stairs when he heard something...

"Tch mother fucking Hanji ugh stop already!" The voice sounded like the corporals. A feint giggle could be heard which sounded suspiciously like Hanji's.

"Just hang on a little longer I got to do some more just hold on"

"Ugh four eyes you have said that for the last fucking twelve hours, you drag me out of bed and next I find myself in here with Y- " Eren knocked and the talking stopped.

Eren opened the door to find an odd sight. The corporal was strapped to a chair and his arms tied at the back. He didn't have a shirt on so when Eren looked his body up and down eyeing all of the clear lines of the muscles. As he was looking he noticed a few drops of blood dripping down the corporals arm. He looked up and found heaps of needle holes!

"What are you fucking staring a-" Levi started saying as Eren interrupted

"MOTHER FUCKING COW HANJI WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!" Yelled Eren as he rushed up and untied the corporal and rushed to get a bandage and antiseptic wipes.

"Its ok Eren it doesn't hurt much..." As Eren cleaned the needle holes and bandaged the corporals arms blushing hard.

As Eren was bandaging the corporal he heard a soft hehehehe and realised that Hanji was still there.

"What are you laughing at shitty four eyes look at what you have do-" Eren's eyes went wide when he saw what was in Hanji's hand. Another needle!

"Just one more" she crooned

"Just one more..." As she dived for Levi's other arm. Eren dived to protect the corporals arm as he felt the needle go into his left arm. 

"FU-" He started to yell as pang of pain when through his arm and then he went blank...

"Eren... Eren wake up" Eren felt someone shaking him as he opened his eyes squinting at the light that shone above him.

"Ugh what happened?" Eren asked confused and dazed

"Well you dived to protect me from the needle Hanji was about to put in me and it was an GA (general aesthetic) to make me sleep so she could do more experiments" the corporal said

"And thank you for that Eren" He added on

"But the thing that I didn't appreciate was that you fell a sleep and I had to carry you up the fucking stairs but oh well"

Eren smiled and sighed it was 9pm again the following night and he was tired. He closed his eyes and fell asleep... 

<<A/N Sorry that I haven't written anything for a while the second part is coming up soon. It takes a while because I write really long and have trouble to cut it down sorry!>>

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