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1. The "Chosen One"

Take every fantasy novel ever made. And this cliché isn't even limited to fantasy (yes, Katniss, I'm looking at you. I can't look at Tris because she - *breaks down in feels*) Plus, usually the chosen hero/-ine doesn't want the job, but ends up doing it anyway.

2. Protagonist is half-human, half-something else

I guess this goes with the royal realization (see the part Pretty Much Every Sub-genre). A way to make the character rare or persecuted (Burn the witch!), or give them unique powers.

3. The werewolf/vampire/something guy

No hot guy can be merely ~human~, right?

4. Undiscovered powers

Because magical powers you never knew about suddenly decide to appear when you come of age. Or, in some cases, when you're about to hit puberty.

5. Prophecies

Closely related to the Chosen One. "You have to save the world. The prophecy says so."

6. Talking animals

This was cute in Narnia, though.

7. A made up society that's pretty much ours. Or so far it becomes almost funny.

But... they have magic. Or Hunger Games. Or something.

8. The Wise Old Sage mentor

... aka the old bearded guy who doesn't give any real answers and lets kids do his dangerous job. (Couldn't they even find anyone younger? Or... girl?)

9. Magical creatures exist in plain sight but you only see through their disguise with special senses

What? Faeries and warlocks want pizza too!

10. These creatures must also remain hidden from the human world

Well, duh.

11. Magical objects

"The Ring must be taken to Mordor."

12. Villains are just plain evil

"Let's take over the world!" *evil laugh*

13. ... And heroes are just plain good

No no no no. Did I already mention NO?! (And yes, that may be something Damon Salvatore has said.)

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