Chapter 12

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Earth, fire, air and water all collide into a mess of attacks that I send shooting towards death. I use everything I can, the Thames, pieces of crumbled building, even the clouds to distract him whilst I send another wave of whatever I can think of. Down below, I hear sirens  and alarms, Police men and taxis, trying to evacuate the public to safety, all shouting praise at me whilst I single-handedly destroy their homes. 

       I panic as I see Deaths black shadows that had been the subject on the news for so long continue to consume everything with it's help. I make a giant out of a couple of buildings and control it from a safe distance, using it to bring attacks that reflect my Tai-quon do training. This has a grater effect, though it doesn't take Death long to figure out my fighting technique and defeat the stone giant. I look at the ground, as Death was distracted, the shadow slowly receded and the people that had been effected by it were able to move again, confused and frightened, but luckily smart enough to know that they needed to run. 

       After a while it began to rain and I have an idea, I put my palms facing upwards and collected the rain in a huge dome above us, I then turn it into large shards of ice that look like stakes that are used to kill vampires with and shoot them into him. many of them shatter  or simply go through the cloaked skeleton that is his body. They do however, provide a distraction. I fly around, teleporting here and there to see what the situation was like down below. It wasn't good. I could see hundreds of poor humans taken by the shadows, all life sucked out of them, without any motivation to move.  

"It's not doing anything." I thought. 

"I need a way that can stop those shadows." 

But that lapse in concentration cost me dearly. Without me knowing, Death had removed all of ice shards and finally decided to aim his attack on me. He shoots spiderweb like strings of shadow at me and wraps me up in it. binding me from head to toe. I start to feel that horrible feeling you get in a dream were you feel like your falling for eternity, but this time its real, and with a less pleasant ending than waking up. I land in the Thames and all though I have some powers of being able to hold my breath, I can't concentrate on them and begin to cough and splutter as I sink deeper and deeper. 

"Is this what you wanted, Alice?" I thought. As I felt myself gradually give in to unconsciousness. 

"When you dreamed of those powers, did you think of the responsibility? Do you call this a dream? You won't wake up, you will never wake up. As long as you have these powers, there's always a bad guy. That's how the world works. This isn't a dream. It's a nightmare." I suddenly have a clear thought, a hope that can save me. I think of the dementors and how they are defeated: with happiness. 

Think happy. Think happy. 

Anything. C'MON, ANYTHING. 

I stop breathing as water invades my lungs.

Dad, Mum, talking, being at home, being normal. Buki. Buki and Dad are safe. My heart leaps at the thought of going back to Buki and Dad and one little thread of shadow breaks. 

That's all I need. I wriggle and writhe, trying to summon fire but forgetting were I am. My very skin begins to get hot at my attempts and the shadow burns and melts away. 

       I kick of from the bottom of the river and use water bending to shoot me back out as I flop onto the pavement beside the body of water. My whole body shakes and I remember the shadow crawling along the earth and quickly fly up to avoid it. I have Death in my sites as I fly towards him, recalling my idea I had in the river. Faster and faster I flew adding fire to my hands and feet to give myself an extra boost as my hair and clothes are dried from the air whipping at me at the impossible speed. 

A Very Well Titled Book -Elisabeth HumphriesWhere stories live. Discover now