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      I didn’t really want to believe it.

      I didn’t want to think it was true. But there was no denying, or hiding it. I was so sure that it wasn’t true. But the little white sticks that were sat before me told me otherwise.

      A sob heaved from my chest as a collapsed to the ground. My legs gave way beneath me as I hit the cold hard ground. Pulling my legs up to my chest, I began to cry into my knees. At first, I thought it was just a glitch. Girls sometimes skip periods...right? But even I couldn’t deny the crazy dreams and the constant cravings for peppers. I don’t even like peppers.

     For a second time, I picked up the pregnancy tests, praying that my eyes were fooling me the first time. Positive, positive, positive, positive. Each of the four tiny sticks told me the same thing. I cradled my head in my hands and began to sob, again.

    It wasn’t much longer until I heard a knock on the door. My best friends voice muffled through the door.

    “Hey, Addison. You’ve been in there quite a while now, I’m kinda worried,” Lorrie admitted. I could just imagine her rubbing her forehead. “Mind if I come in?” she asked.

     Even though she didn’t get a reply, she came in anyway and sat down next to me. “What’s wrong, Ads? No offence, but you look like someone dragged you through a bush backwards.”

    I chuckled, even though it sounded more like a strangled sob. Laying my head on her shoulder, I sighed and brought the pregnancy tests from under my legs.

    A soft gasp came from Lorries lips. “Oh, Addison. They don’t say what I think they say, do they?”

    I nodded and brought my knees closer to my body, as if they were some sort of protective shield. At the moment, I couldn’t understand what was really going on. To be honest, it felt like I was stuck in a dream... And I couldn’t wait to wake up.

    “What are you going to do, Addison?” Lorrie asked gently, allowing me to curl up to her even more.

     “I am not killing my baby,” I told her firmly.

      If there was one thing I was against in this world, then it would be having an abortion. Just because I made one little mistake doesn’t mean a baby should suffer the consequences.

      “I know that. You don’t have it in your heart to kill a fish, let alone a human being.”

      “Noah’s going to hate me,” I whispered hollowly.

      Noah was my boyfriend of two years, it was your typical cliche best friends, and then when puberty hit, so did a relationship. I loved Noah, and he loved me. But I couldn’t ask him of this. What if he didn’t even want the baby? I didn’t ever wanted it being hated. I knew right then that I made my decision, I was going to keep this baby. I already cared for it so much.

     “Drive me to Noah’s?” I asked Lorrie before she could reply.

     She nodded, giving me her best smile. “Of course, and Noah won’t hate you, Add. Everyone knows his crazy about you.”

     “Being crazy about someone and having a baby with them are two completely different things,” I told her, rubbing at my face, hoping to get rid of some of the tear stains. “I don’t mean to sound rude, but can we please just stop talking about it?” I demanded quietly. Talking about it made it seem more real.

      Lorrie nodded and grabbed her car keys off of my bedroom cabinet. “Just so you know, I’ll always be there for you, okay?”

      I smiled and pulled Lorrie into a bone crushing hug. “I love you so much,” I whispered to her.

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