1 : The Girl in the Mirror

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You awoke from sleep and blindly reached for the alarm clock on your bed side table. You set the alarm off as you squinted at the time. It was seven o'clock in the morning. It w was time to prepare for school, but your body refused to move. You gave a big yawn and set the clock back on the table.

Five more minutes, you thought. You snuggled tighter to Totoro, your three-foot tall stuffed toy. You were slowly drifting back to dreamland when your mother knocked on your door.

"Joo Ri-ya!"

"Mmmm...," you answered sleepily, not bothering to get up or even open your eyes.

"Wake up! You're gonna be late for school," she called outside your door.


You heard her sigh as she entered the room, then came the sound of curtains being drawn. You shut your eyes even tighter at the sudden stream of sunlight on your face.

"MMMM!" You muttered in annoyance as you hid your head under your pillow.

"Song Joo Ri, get up now or I'll drag you out of bed," your mother said in a disproving tone as she uncovered you from your blanket.

You unwillingly sat up because you knew your mother is always serious with her threats. You rubbed your eyes sleepily before putting on your glasses.

"Umma, I'm not feeling well," you told her. She sat on the bed beside you and made a quick check on your temperature.

"You're fine," she told you. "Hurry up! Breakfast is ready."

"But my body feels tired and heavy," you insisted.

"You're always tired every time you wake up."

"But it's not sleepy tired this time."

"Aigoo! Were you up late again last night? I told you to avoid sleeping late. You were reading those comics again aren't you?"

"I didn't! I slept right after dinner. And umma, it's manwha not comics."

"They're the same thing."

"Manhwas are korean and they're awesome. Comics are just...comics," you explained but your mother didn't pay attention. "Nevermind. Anyways, I've been feeling tired since yesterday, I don't know why. I don't seem to have fever," you said, as you placed your palm on your forehead. "I don't have a cold either."

"Ah! I know."


"Those are symptoms of laziness. Now start moving or we'll both be late."

"I'm not being lazy! Can't I just skip school today?" You pleaded.

"I'm expecting you at the table in five minutes," was all your mother answered as she headed out.

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