Chapter 16: Can I Get a Frappuccino with an Extra Cute Boy on Top?

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Lauren's POV

After getting consent from our parents, well Simon asked his brother, the two of us walk down the street the the nearest Starbucks.

"It's on me," says Simon.


"No problem. Go ahead and order, I'll grab a table. I would like a hot chocolate. Order whatever you want." he answers but his tone sounds a little harsh, but I knew he's going through a tough time. I just nod and walk up to the counter where there was a very very cute boy with wavy hair a nice sandy brown color. His eyes are hazel, with a hint of honey brown. He looks familiar, and I feel like I recognize his smile. I walk up to him and say,

"Hi! Can I please have a two small hot chocolates?"

"Sure! That will be $8.89 please. Oh, and name?"

"Lauren." After I tell him my name his jaw drops.

"Is it really you? Lauren Cimorelli?" he smiles and his dimples deepen. That smile. The white teeth.

"Omigosh, Will?"


"How are you!"

"I'm fine, but let me finish your order first then we can catch up." I grin a goofy grin and skip happily to where Simon was sitting, anger in his eyes.

"What was that?" Simon demands furiously.


"What was that?" he repeats.

"First of all, it's a who, not a what. And second, why are you so mad. That's just my childhood best friend from NorCal!"

"Omigosh I'm so sorry Laur!" I sigh and sit down. He gazes deeply into my eyes and soon he's leaning in. I start to lean in too, but then I remember. The vow. The vow my sisters and I made to save our first kiss for marriage. Before his lips meet mine, I quickly turn my head so he only pecks my cheek.

"Oh no! What have I done? I'm so sorry Lauren please don't be mad!" I chuckle.

"I'm not mad. My sisters and I are saving our first kiss until marriage, so that's why I turned my head. Please tell me you aren't annoyed."

"No, no, it's fine. Come here." I get out of my seat and sit on his lap. We just sit and canoodle minus the kissing of course until Will comes up and ruins the moment. We just sit there talking and I'm enjoying myself and both of us being completely oblivious until we hear someone clear his throat.

"Oh! Will hi! Sorry, this is Simon and Simon, this is Will." I introduce the two boys. Then I notice some numbers on my cup of hot chocolate.

"Dude, did you write down your number on her cup?" I hear Simon ask.

"Yeah. Oh yeah. Lauren, would you like to go out with me sometime?" asks Will. I feel Simon tense up.

"Uhhh... sorry Will. I would love to but I have a boyfriend."

"Oh, I'm so sorry! So who is the lucky guy?"

"Umm sorry man, but it's me." Simon simply states. Will's face turns pink until a young girl about my age comes in the door and starts yelling at him for getting home late or something like that. Then I recognize her, it's Sherei, Will's younger sister. He's one year older than me, but his sister is my age.



We both start jumping up and down and then exchange a hug. Then my phone starts to buzz.

From Chrissy:

come home now, we've got news that you ain't gonna like

News? That doesn't sound very good. I quickly say I have to leave to Will, Sher, and Simon and then start walking towards my house. I pull out my phone and text Christina that I'm on my way.

To Chrissy:



A/N: MUAHAHAHAH MUAHAHAHAHA (Evil Laugh) CLIFFHANGER ALERT!!!! Anyway, Will and Sherei were part of the character thingy. Will was created by carolinasalazar22, and Sherei was created by ShereiDane024. Also, chapters will be much much shorter now because I have to introduce all the new characters and then they'll be a few regular length chapters with everyone and then the story shall end. Yeah, it's almost done! So sad. But I still haven't decided yet so don't be alarmed! Anyways, I was fine earlier today then around 3:30 I lost my voice for some reason. Ugh!!!!!

Also, in the title it says Frappuccino but I haven't been to Starbucks in so long so I don't remember prices or flavors etc. so in the chapter I just used hot chocolate.

PS: Chapter dedicated to @carolinasalazar22. Previous chapter to @ShereiDane024 because both their characters were introduced in this one.






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