1. The Guy in the Dark Suit

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AUTHOR’S NOTE: I wrote this story a few weeks ago. I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I did when I was writing it. The song for this story is Enchanted by Taylor Swift. Some things may be new to you because the setting is Philippines, but you can Google them. I have an alternate ending for this story but I think the ending of this is much more realistic. Happy Reading! :)


~Blissful Scenery~


It’s hard when you feel alone even though there are a lot of people surrounding you. There are times when you want to be happy but you can’t because some unseen force is forbidding you.

You stretch your lips into a smile when your friends are talking to you but it feels force. There’s hollowness eating you inside out.

Being a performer has its disadvantages, no matter how much you like playing musical instruments. Instead of being in the house doing school works and reading a good book, I’m required to stay here in this place and entertain people who are coming inside the building.

I have a choice. If I play, I’ll continue to get my scholarship. If not, well, you know what will happen then. What I don’t get is this: There are two bands for this event. The one besides us is Brass Band, which means they play loud music. They use those giant instruments like Trumpet, Trombone, Euphoniums, and a lot more which I can’t name. On the other hand, the band which I am a member uses Piano, Flutes, and Violins.

The Brass Band is on the first door, while we are on the second door; the main entrance. Of course, when they play, people will not be able to hear our music because they are playing so loud. Our instruments are so soft. I don’t get why they want us to be here, they already have musicians.

Our leader tells us to leave our instruments and take a rest. I leave my instrument and stand where my friends are. I play the piano. I like the feeling of the keys when I’m touching them. The stroke—

“Kyleigh,” my friend Melody says, breaking me from my reverie. “Arthur said that we have to go inside.”

Arthur is the leader of our band, even though he’s just a year older than us. We are all studying in one university and my band mates are all my friends.

I follow her and the others inside and sit on the table with our director, Mr. Patrick. He’s the one organizing our performances.

The table is oblong, with white table cloth drape on the top. Above it is another table cloth; this one is chocolate brown. There are ten chairs on our table which is just perfect because we are seven musicians, and then there's the choreographer, the director, and the assistant.

There are a lot of people in this place, and they are all wearing different clothes. I, for one, am wearing a light pink dress a few inches below the knee. Some are wearing Barong, Emperatriz, some are even wearing gowns. Others are wearing casual clothes. What kind of event is this?

The program starts but I don’t really watch it, much listen to it because I’m fascinated with the giant lanterns on the wall. One, two, three . . Whoa! There are seventeen all in all! I like watching them change lights and appearances. I’m trying to count how many are the faces of the lanterns but they changes lights very quickly.

 I find myself smiling in amusement as I watch them. I don’t even pretend to listen to the speaker on the stage. People give me odd stares because instead of looking to my left, which is where the stage is, I’m looking up to see the giant lanterns.

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