|Chapter One|

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Mackenna's POV:
Today's the day. The day, I see my bestfriend from 5 years ago. Now you're probably very confused as to what I'm talking about, so let me explain it better. I met this boy named Harry, when I was about 2 years old. We were neighbors. I lived in England, my whole life, to be more specific; Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. We instantly became best friends. We did absolutely everything together, up until our senior year of highschool. That year my parents told me we were moving, to Los Angelos. I was already 18, so I could've stayed, but I didn't think I was ready to live on my own. When it was time to leave, Harry and I made a promise to each other that we would text each other, facetime, and visit each other whenever we could. That didn't really work out. You see, when Harry and I were 16, he auditioned for the X-Factor. In the X-factor he made it pretty far along with 4 other boys. Those boys names were Zayn, Louis, Liam, & Niall. They became a boy band. They didn't win the X-Factor, but after all that they signed with Simon Cowell on a record label, and released their first hit album called 'Up All Night' a year after. He attended our highschool for two more years, to finish up his senior year, but when I left England, he started going on tour, had concerts, and there really wasn't much space to fit in our friendship anymore. He also is so famous now, that it's hard to get in touch with him, because of how many times he has to change his phone number due to fans figuring out what it is or just his phone blowing up constantly with notifications, mostly from fans. I haven't spoke to him in 5 years...because like I said before our long distance friendship thing didn't last long. Yesterday, I got a letter in the mail from my senior year Social Studies teacher. Inside it said something I wrote 5 years ago. I remeber the day like it was yesterday.


"So what you have to do is get with a partner, and you are gonna make a pledge slash a promise to each other. Sounds dumb, but it's not. You'll thank me later. Your gonna make a pledge or promise to each other, write it down, and hand it in. And in 5 years time, I'm gonna send it back to the both of you. Make sure to write the date of 1/7/15, because thats when you will have to do your promise, and thats around the time you'll get this back. Think about it as a...time capsule?" Mr.Johnson says. Sometimes he can be so dumb. Like anybody's gonna actually do this. Yeah right.

He says to get with your partner and I immediately go up to Harry. We sit together at two empty desks.

"This makes no sense, whatsoever." I say talking about what Mr.Johnson had just said. Harry ignores what I said, and writes our names down on a peice of lined paper.

"So what should we promise?" I ask. He furrows his eyebrows, thinking hard.

"How about we promise to each other, that in five years we will...go to Jamaica together?!" He says.

"Yeahh that would be so much fun!" I say exitedly. Harry and I always talk about wanting to travel around the world, and I guess thats a step foward. He writes, 'I Harry Styles, promise to Mackenna Lynn Cooper, that in five years time we will travel to Jamaica together, and travel the rest of the world together shortly after.' I laugh slighlty at what he added. He hands me the paper and a pencil, and I write down, 'I Mackenna Cooper, promise to Harry Edward Styles, that in five years time we will travel to Jamaica together, and travel the rest of the world together shortly after.' He writes down the day we'll go, where we'll meet, and what time. We then make a check list at the bottom of the paper of places we want to travel to. We write down Jamaica, California, Florida, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Germany, Paris, Canada, Hawaii, and New York. We hand in our paper and go back to where we were previously sitting.

"Do you promise?" Harry whispers to me.

"I promise." I whisper to him. He smiles at me.

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