|Meet Mackenna|

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   Hi, I'm Mackenna, Mackenna Cooper. I'm 23 years young, I'm studying to become a marine biologist, and I'm currently a model on the side. I have light brown hair, with natural blonde highlights and I have green-blue eyes. I live in Los Angelos, California, with my two best friends Evan and Madison. We all have nicknames for each other. Mine is Mack. Evans is Vin, and Madison is Mads, or Mad dog. We live in a penthouse. I know what you're thinking, a penthouse? Well, my mom has a well known fashion line, and my dad owns an enterprise, so they helped pay for it. Since my mom owns a fashion line, its easy for me and Madison to get modeling jobs. I'm also British, German, and Polish. My birthday is on July 7th, 3 days after the 4th of July. My life is going pretty, smoothly so far, but I do hit a few bumps along the way. Experience all the talking, tears, and laughter, with me! ->


[Authors Note]

Hey guys! This isn't the first chapter, It's just explaining Mackenna, the main character, and the first chapter will be up after I do Madison and Evans chapter. Byeee!

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