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You know sometimes I feel having company would be rather annoying. I don't know if it's the fact that I haven't seen anyone in over 13 years that makes me think that way. I mean I've had so much time to myself. No one to tell me I'm wrong. No one to question my actions. No one to disagree with my opinions. I don't really know if I like it this way. To be honest, I'm not even really sure what it is I do like anymore. I just find myself doing things. Why? Because I can. Who's gonna tell me otherwise, right? I can't be the only one left. I...just can't be.

Well... There is the giant saucer in the sky. It's definitely alien. As I've seen them before. Although, I don't know if anything is up there. Is there anyone inside it? Have they been watching me all these years? I wonder if they want me to do something. It hasn't moved since...since that day...

I try not to think about it. As none of it really matters at this point. But I like to think it does still matter. As my father always told me, things happen for a reason. Maybe there is a reason why I'm still alive. Maybe there is something that I'm still meant to do on this world. I just never really thought about it. I mean it's not like I have a time limit...right? I...I don't know anymore. Maybe if I thought back to those days, I can remember things. Answers? Clues? Anything really. Im not too sure where to start. As my memory is rather foggy. But one thing I will never forget, was that day. That god forsaken day. I will never forget... Well, I guess I'll start from the beginning...

It all started on a friday in the year of 2607. Friday was my favorite day of the week. As it always meant ol' Billy would come over and cook up some of his world famous bbq ribs. Well, they weren't world famous, but they damn sure could've been, haha, anyway. That friday I had just gotten a promotion at work. You see I worked at an old beer factory. I didn't like beer very much, but hey, it payed the bills. Can't really complain there. My promotion was nothing astounding, but it did deserve a celebration of some sort. So I called some friends, and ol' Billy, to come over for an afternoon barbeque out in the backyard. It was nice, everyone was having a good time, and I was eating some darn good ribs. How could things get any better? I know I know, the year 2607 and I'm having a barbeque. I should be out in the town, maybe go to the annual E.T convention.... Ya. We've seen aliens, hell, some of them live here. You know, the barbeque didn't sound all that great now that I had thought about it.

Aliens have been in contact with us for many many years. Since as long as I can remember. They've helped us, and we helped them. With what? Well advancements in technology of course. And boy let me tell you, we advanced. Maybe too much.... Ya it was definitely too much.

These guys, you know, the aliens, were just out of this world! pun intended? You decide hehe. Made me feel a little insignificant. I mean, these guys could fly, create wormholes to other planets, other dimensions even. What could I do? I'm just a human being. A human being having a barbecue at the year 2607, can't get anymore old fashioned than that huh?

Having these aliens here certainly made things easier for us. And they've definitely made things a lot more difficult. Don't think because we had super powered friendly aliens on our side made things all flowers and sunshine.

This advancement in technology, I wish it never happened. I mean, it does have it's perks. A remote that flies to my hand when I tell it to, WITHOUT HAVING TO GET UP. Cmon, could it get any better? But that's besides the point. Ever since we've come in contact with these aliens, things have been rather...rather hard. The US had expanded into south america. Oh ya, you can bet your bottom dollar we had WW3. Or, you know, WW28. Ya, things didn't look too bright for us humans. Despite having technology, resources were running out. So what could we do? Ask aliens for help. Did it help? Sure. Did it come back to bite us in the ass? Hell yes.

War between humans was, of course, tragic. But war between humans and aliens. Out. Of. The. Question. What were we to do? Use the weapons that aliens gave us? Cmon. That doesn't even sound like a good idea.

And.... And before you knew it...things..things went bad. bad.. I used to like Saturday. But after what happened that day... I'd rather have Monday.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2013 ⏰

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