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The week went by so fast I can barely remember it. All I can seem to think of is a lot of planning for Jenna and Jesse's baby and then planning for my mom coming over. That Thursday I cleaned like a mad lady. My mom would be terrified as it is with where I am living, I don't need candy wrappers and empty pizza boxes littering the floors to scare her even more. By the end of the night I am exhausted; I slump on the couch and try to sleep a little. But I have no such luck because that's when Chris comes in. I open my eyes and see him looking around in awe and shock.

"What...what happened in here?"

I sighed. "I cleaned. That's all I did today." I say shrugging.

He smiles. "Wow, this looks great."

I sit up. "Ok, pretend you're a really rich lady who has never been to a place like this, how would you react?"

"I would probably run out screaming." Chris says nodding.

I grunt and fall back on the couch. He chuckles and comes to sit next to me. "Your mom is a different person now remember?"

"Yeah, but she still isn't going to like this."

He shrugs. "Well, she's just going to have to get used to it."

I sigh. "Fine, fine."

"You did a fantastic job."

"Thanks, babe."

"What's for dinner?" He asks hopeful.

"I'm not cooking. Not after all that cleaning."

"Alright, should I order Chinese?"

"Yes please."

He gets up to order so I decide to take a shower to get all this grime and sweat off of me. When I come out, the delivery guy has come and is giving Chris the food. I realize I'm only in a towel and I try to turn around and hide inconspicuously, but me being me, I end up jamming my foot into the wall and try not to scream as I grab it.

"Sam you ok?" Chris asks, coming behind me and putting an arm on my back.

"Yeah." I whimper. "I'm fine." I hobble back into the bathroom and try to sooth my foot until the guy leaves. When I come out he looks angry. He's throwing around the chopsticks and throwing the food down with a huff. "What's wrong?"  I ask.

"Do men no longer have manners?" He screams.

My face turns red. "I tried to go back into the bathroom when I saw he was out here-"

"No, it's not your fault. But apparently, it's a free for all now where any guy can hit on my girl and I don't like it."

I smile and give him a hug. "They can flirt and stare at me for hours, but I'm not going anywhere. I'm all yours."

"I know, but you don't deserve to be looked at that way. You're not an object."

That made me smile bigger. "And that's why I love you." I stood on my tip toes and gave him a quick kiss. "I'm going to go change."

When I came out he found a show to watch and we ate quietly. I loved this part of the day. We were both exhausted from work so we weren't in the mood to make conversation; I loved talking to him, but my favorite was just being able to snuggle close to him with food and a good show and forget for a while that we had troubles.

We fell asleep there, too many good episodes were on that we didn't want to miss. When we woke up the next morning, Chris groggily looked at the alarm clock on the side table and then shot up. He started running around, grabbing clothes and socks. Hopping around trying to put them on.

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