Coffee and life is so bitter sweet!

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The sweet smell of perfect coffee filled Valentina nose. Thoughts filled her head as she began to drink the coffee, she put down the warm cup " did my mother make this?" Valentina spoke " you know huh?, well she did just before she left " Marry responded " sorry " Valentina nodded and began to stand from her chair " some things can't be helped, anyway I have to go i have school tomorrow" Valentina replied " thanks for the coffee, oh and I already paid!" Before Marry could say anything Valentina rushed out the door that rang.
Night fell as she just came back " your late, agin" the stuck up voice and the angry tapping footsteps " sorry Miss. Annie I meant to leave early this time I'm sorry" Valentina spoke full of sorrow " excuses, excuses! The same story every time, no dinner for you this week " Miss Annie shouted. Valentina nodded as she was passed in the small dorm full of kids with no home she walked to her room where her uncomfortable bed lay from her little sister Kagome waited for her every day " oh your back! Did you get yelled at? "Yes, I'm going to the bath hall are you coming?" Valentina said with a strict voice she could tell Kagome didn't like being yelled at so she shut up about it the took the close from the draws and walked to the bath hall.

Valentina ran the water hoping the grand mistress wouldn't hear " thank the heavens the water is hot for once!" Kagome called full of joy Valentina smiled at her sister it was a while since she smiled " ya'll best be quit, it's late and the grand mistress is sleeping" whispered Loretta, " yes mama " they both said as the walked to the tub.

The girls put their pajamas on and brushed their teeth " well we better get to bed we spent too much time in the bath tonight " whispered Valentina her sister nodded as they put the dirty clothes in their basket. Walking into their room they go on the beds Valentina sees her sister pick up a book " what are you reading?" " oh my math book, I need to study for my test next week" Valentina nodded she was happy her sister was studying for once, she rolled over on her pillow and placed her glasses on the table and closed her eyes.

Beep,beep,beep the loud noise made Valentina open her eyes full of sleep, she stood up and tried to wake her sister up from her deep sleep after a few minutes of trying she woke up " let's get ready " Valentina whispered Kagome nodded as she sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes, Valentina and  Kagome leave early with the 6-815 group to eat breakfast and have time to talk or do anything they put there clothes on,brush their teeth, and put the stuff away in their backpacks the leave the dorm and go outside " what a wind chill it fells like winter!" " I know right?!" Valentina turned to see to girls talking she wished she had friends to talk to about who knows anything! But all her friend and boyfriends stabbed her in the back or we racist so she can't trust anyone. The bus arrived and Valentina and Kagome walked aboard as the bus closed its doors Valentina put on her old headphone and plugged them in the old iPod her mom gave her and listened to her music and turned her head to the window school is just a living hell for me!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2015 ⏰

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