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(Sorry I need to think it first for the Spike lemon)
Your pov
I got my books out and cloused my locker as I turn around someone slap my books out of my hands,"Hey!" I said grabbing my books then I realized it was (B/n)(Bully name) Trent with his football team ,"Why are you here," she/he scoffed,"This our school anyway I'm going to class," I said but they got in my way,"Oh you're not going anywhere," they said I got worried I shiver and lend me to the lockers,"H-Help! " I studdered the other students just stayed there doing nothing. 'Bystanders..' I thought.

Chase pov
I was talking to Leo,"H-Help!" I heard it sounds like I gasped,"(Y/n)!" I started running I got there Trent faced to me,"Oh,No little Chase is here," Trent mocked me I growled,"Ahh I'm scared Haha," he added,"Little Chase saving her," one of the football team said. I started to get angry,really angry my Comando App coneted.

Spike pov
I growled at Trent,"Wittle Chasey Wasey-" "Hey! You want pudding cups on yours face,again!?" I growled at him,"Ahh! I mean.. Ahh. So, you want to fight,huh?" he tanted I hate being tanten,"Alright! Let's go weakling! Give me your best shot!" I snarled he look both ways and punched me, luckily I grabbed his fist I chuckled he looked shocked I threw it back he tumbled getting up,but failed I laughed,"Talk about Trent-Falleta," I mocked him, the others laugh, he stumbled to get up,"Hey your sopost to laugh at him not me! " he said I chuckled softly I looked at (Y/n) Bully his/her eyes widen and ran; Wissing and my Comando App disconnected.

Chase pov
"Huh.." I mumbled rubbing my head,"what happened.." I question (Y/n) gave me a kiss on the cheek I blushed pink,"Thanks Chase. I'll tell you everything," she said,"Oh.. Ok," I smiled.

~Time Skip~
"Wow.. All that for you?" I said I didn't even know Spike will do that for her.. And I'm a genius! (ok Chase just.. Just don't it makes people want to hit you in face,but not me)"Yea,Spike did all that, " she replied,"Well this is his second time," She got puzzled,"What you mean by second time?" she questioned 'My gosh why I said that' I thought,"I..erg Well after we met you and me.. This girl I can remember her name,but she like me.." I stopped and stared having a Flashback. (Press the video :3),"Hello earth to Chase," she snapped her fingers,"Oh sorry I didn't noticed I'll tell you the Flashback."

Tada sorry this is short. And just 8 plus this one We just made it to 4.1K Yess! *Sqweeks* And do you guys like the new cover?
Pease my little plushys! ~ Catalina

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