Chapter Two

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Here is the next chapter. Please tell me how this story goes.

Chapter Two: Meeting DSM

*Many months later*

"It's been months since the incident and we're still getting hate mail?" Fat Amy said surprised. I turned over a letter before chucking it onto the table. "Here is something for your hairy situation?" Flo read confusingly before looking at the box of razors. "And that settles it, we are officially registered. Update your passports ladies because we are going to the very sunny, very beautiful Copenhagen." Chloe said, doing jazz hands. I heard cheering from all different parts of the house. Fat Amy gave everyone high fives. "And where is that specifically?" Fat Amy asked. "I don't know. I failed at maps." Chloe replied before looking back at her laptop. "It looks like the competition by that stupid German group that took over our tour." Chloe said. "You mean stole our tour." Stacy added. "Hey, I'm German you know." I said, offended. "Oh not you, Kat. You're the smartest German we know." Chloe apologized. I smiled sweetly. I then made my way upstairs to grab my backpack.


I was trying to learn how to play Minecraft on my laptop when the doorbell rang. I heard Fat Amy trudge down the stairs to get the door. I hopped out of my gaming chair and made my way quietly down the stairs and into the living room. I plopped down on a part of the couch. Fat Amy opened the door to a new girl standing there. Fat Amy was adjusting her shirt. "Oop, sorry my boobs are all crazy. I was just jumping." Amy said. "Uh, I um, just came from auditions and you guys weren't there and I hoping for the chance to sing for you." The girl stuttered. And here comes the disappointment bomb. "No, can't help you. We're not allowed to take anyone new." Fat Amy said, starting to close the door, but the girl stopped her. "Wait wait wait, I'm a Junk." She called out as Fat Amy sat down next to me. I propped my feet up on her legs. All of the girls were now in the living room.

The girl walked in and she and Chloe had a discussion I had no clue was about. All I ever paid attention to was "legacy" and "give her a try". Chloe sat down on the couch and we listened to Legacy sing. Definitely not a soloist. And she needs to keep her eyes open. She finished singing and opened her eyes and gave us a smile. We all formed a circle and started to discuss about her. Apparently we could take her because she came to us and that we could use her if something happened to one of us, we could use her as backup. "Alright, anyone who wants her in, sing a g sharp. Any who don't, sing an e flat." Chloe stated. All of us sang a g sharp so it was pretty clear that we would take her.

(Third Person POV)

All of the girls crowded around Emily. "You're in." Chloe told her. "Are you serious?" Emily said shocked. Chloe nodded her head. "O.M aca- G!" Emily added. Emily began to do a happy dance. Katharina went up the stairs into her room and began playing. The Bella's were going to head to a party that they were invited to. "Hey Kat, you comin'?" Fat Amy asked. "Curse this confounded game! I wasn't even near that Creeper! Huh, no! I don't want to have to carry you all home because you're drunk." She yelled, her accent making it a little hard to understand her. "Okay then." Flo said, breaking the awkward silence. The girls left to the party.

(Katharina's Pov)
I decided to mess around with technology by making a Minecraft video. I just posted it when I heard the door open and people stumble into the house. I got up and walked halfway down the stairs to find them all on top of each other. I hid my smile by putting my hand over my mouth. Definitely drunk. "How much did you guys have?" I asked. "Five cups." Fat Amy slurred. I took out my phone and took a picture of them. I can't wait to see what they look like in the morning.


I came down the stairs to girls sitting on the couches, looking like walking zombies. "Now why do you guys look like hell?" I smirked. "Why did we have to go to that stupid party?" One girl asked. "Beats me, you decided to go ahead and get drunk." I replied. I went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee and started to pour some water into cups to give to the Bella's.

*Some time before DSM performs*

I walked in to a building and we all hopped on to the escalator. "Okay, so what are we doing here again?" Emily asked.

"We're here to check out the competition." Chloe replied.

We stepped off of the escalator. Stacy was sliding up and down on a red car. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Stacy! Keep it in your pants maybe!" Becca and Fat Amy yelled.

I walked into a blue dimly lit room. Two cars were on a stage. Water bottles were neatly positioned in the middle of tables all around the room. "What? This whole shit could have been ours!" Chloe cried.

"If it's shit then I wouldn't not like to perform." I told her, earning a smug look in my direction.

People began to file in to the small room and watched as two cars drove backwards. "Woah." Fat Amy awed. "What? The cars just drove backwards." I asked her, completely confused. What was so special about cars moving?

"But they moved backwards, with ghosts driving them." She told me. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "That is not the case. In order for a spirit to do that it would have to be surrounded in EMF Pumps, let alone figure out how to maintain that energy and control the desired objects to move the car." I stated plainly. Becca gave me a strange look.

"What? I was fascinated in the paranormal as a child." I defended.

I turned my head to hear a female German voice over the speakers, introducing the group of Germans.

*After the song*

I smiled, looking at the shocked faces of The Bella's. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted the group walking over to us. "Germans. Ten o'clock." I stated, crossing my arms and smiling. 'This has to be good,' I thought.


"What are you even doing?" Chloe hissed, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away from a DSM member. "Was? Ich war gerade mit einem alten Freund von meiner Mutter aufholen." I told her. "What?" She asked again I sighed.

"I said: what? I was just catching up with an old friend of my mothers. Her mother and mine were friends growing up." I responded in English. I really need to teach them German.

"You're not supposed to be communicating with the enemy!" Chloe seethed, trying to drag me out of the room. I dug my heels into the ground and ripped my arm away. How could she say that about my people? It was just a title, you can win it back.

"So they're the enemy? My own flesh and blood are the enemy?" I stated. Chloe then realized what she said and her face immediately saddened. "No, Kat. I didn't mean it that way." She pleaded. Her words hurt me; I felt like I was back in eight grade, being constantly ridiculed because I was German and that my people destroyed millions of people and followed a dictator. My mother of course told me not to listen to then and that they're trying to get under my skin but it lays seemed to crawl back into my mind.

At this point y eyes were red and puffy, tears threatening to spill over. "I'm going home. Kümmern Sie sich nicht versucht, um mich zu suchen." I told her before storming out, wiping at my eyes. (Don't bother looking for me.)

Little did I know, a group of Germans were watching me leave.

Hey guys! I am so sorry that I haven't posted anything for you guys in the past few months. To be totally honest I forgot about this story but now I'm trying to get back on track with all my stories and try to out updates out there. Have fun reading and see you on the flip side


The German Bella (𝑫𝑰𝑺𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑼𝑬𝑫)Where stories live. Discover now