2 - Skull

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"Adam POV"

"In the Car"

Moments after the incident at the abandoned house, We all decide to go back to the boathouse. I start to think to myself.

Why is all of this happening again, I see Jake put the Skull back into the woolen bag in the back seat just before we get to the boathouse.

"At the Boathouse"

We all get out of the car and go inside, Cassie and I take the Crystal Skull from Jake to put it back to where it was before. As Cassie puts the Skull on the table, I tell her "Why did it have to be us Cassie". What do you mean Adam, Cassie says confusedly.

"What I mean Cassie, is why all of us, why are all of witches". We didn't choose to be witches Adam, I guess we were meant to be like this, Cassie says all uncertain.

"I don't won't be like this anymore, I want it all to stop... I can't be a witch anymore Cassie". Lets just talk about this later okay Adam, Cassia answers back.

Cassie and I walk out the room and we go and sit with Melissa, Faye and Jake at one of the tables. Look you guys, we need to talk about the Crystal Skull, I don't think it should stay at the boathouse anymore, if it means keeping you safe Adam. Cassie says with a worried tone.

"Cassie I'm fine really, I'm not going to come in contact with the Skull anymore okay I promise, you don't need to take it". Well we can't be sure that you aren't going to touch it, Faye answer back with a concerned voice. Fayes right Adam, we all can't be certain that you ain't gonna touch it, Melissa replies back with a uncertainty tone.

Everything goes silent and I look at Cassie and she has this look on her face that seems like she really needs to tell us something. "Cassie what is it". What's what Adam, Cassie says all tongue tide. "Are you serious you look like your about to burst, come on spit it out".

Fine when I finished talking to Melissa today, I went to go to my car and go see Adam at the boathouse and Melissa grandmother grabbed my arm before I could get to the front door and said something she sensed it, like she know that I had Balcoin blood in me and that my dark magic is over coming me and it's gonna be to late to stop, Cassie replies back with an straight up tone.

"Why didn't you tell us this at the abandoned house Cassie, and besides she is an elder, remember Kate knew about you too...you all know how strong elders are they could sense any kind of magic".

But it still doesn't change anything about the Crystal Skull, Adam we know you want to help the circle out, but we can't take any chances. Cassie says with an concerned tone.

"You know this whole trying to be a circle without actually being bound is getting kind of ridiculous, I don't want to be that little boy on the beach that gets sand kicked on him Al the time, it's like every time I try to do something right, I always end up being the useless one. Adam replies back with steamed tone.

Adam gets up and walks outside to the porch of the boathouse. Adam wait... Adam, Cassie says as Jake and her follow Adam outside.

Hey Melissa isn't that your dad, shouldn't he be home by now, Faye says as she sees Melissa dad walking through the front door of the boathouse. Yeah it is, I'm gonna go talk to him okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow, Melissa says as she walks over to her father.

Dad what are you doing here, Melissa says all confused. What am I doing here, what are you doing here is the better question it's late Melissa you should get home, Patrick says with an off guarded tone. But if it really concerns you I'm actually on a date, Melissa so I think you should get home and take of your grandmother like you were supposed to be doing a couple of hours ago.

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