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"Senovia, why don't you go take a look around your new home?" The social worker stared at me expectantly. I knew this was my queue to leave them so they could talk about me and I took it gladly. I couldn't wait to get out of there. I knew I should enjoy being around such gorgeous men but honestly it just gave me the shivers. All men did.

I walked up the stairs and saw door after door after door. I decided to just take my time looking in each room since I knew they would be taking a while. Talking about me would probably be an excruciatingly long process.

Home. My new home. That's what she called it. I'm not really sure I knew the meaning of 'home'. I mean, I know the dictionary definition... but I don't know how a home should feel. How it should look and sound like and smell. This 'home' felt... warm, comfortable. It looked spacious and new... and well, very lived-in. A shoe over there, a couple of bags chucked in that corner and plenty of pictures and posters tacked on the wall. It smelt faintly of the cookies that 'my new mum' had been baking before we arrived, and in a couple of the rooms boys deodorant, in another... a comforting old book smell. The sound of the wind blowing the swing outside and the quiet murmuring from downstairs that I forced myself not to understand - I didn't want to know which of my 'secrets' the social worker was spilling to my 'new family'. Was this what a home was? What my home would be?

Home. Family. Mum. All words I wasn't sure of or completely comfortable with either.

I sighed as I stared out the window. I hoped I could finally be happy here, but I had began to doubt a long time ago that hope and happiness really existed. I thought that maybe those people from the reality show I saw on the hospital tv were just faking their cheerfulness so the world could pretend it was real as well. Maybe it never even was.

"Senovia, I've come to say goodbye. I'm going to leave now," the social worker said from the other end of the hallway.

"Wait. I-I'm not so sure I want to stay here." It seemed nice, sure... but were they really? I wasn't sure I wanted to risk it.

"Honey, these are wonderful people. This will be really good for you. Is it all the males? I know you're not very comfortable around men but you're going to have to overcome that fear sometime. Plus, this family are the only ones who have agreed to foster you. I'm afraid this is really your only choice."

She stared at me sympathetically but I didn't want it. I knew nobody wanted me considering all the attacked baggage. I sighed and nodded my head. I was going to have to make do. I waved her goodbye, now left with only 'my new family'. But really... when have I ever not been alone? I was used to it. Only one more year, then I could get out of here and go solo for good. I've been through much worse. If I stick to my code I'll be fine.

Don't trust anyone. Don't accept anyone's help. Don't owe anyone. Don't let my guard down.


Just a little taster to see if I should continue...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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