"That day."

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Dedicated to all my amazing friends & family. Thankyou for supporting me.


The rays of the early morning sunshine, taking place as my blanket. I felt safe. The feeling of the soft, lucious, green grass underneathe me. I was dazed, lost. 

The sound of the birds singing soft songs to each other, the sound of the horses nickering to each other. I could see the blue sky looking down on me. The clouds, white and crisp slowly making their way across the universe surrounding me. 

I could smell the dew drops resting on the tips of the leaves, on the stems of flowers, on the edges of the cleanly cut grass. The smell of the roses in the distance.

I was slowly drifting, as much as I wanted to admire the atmosphere, I could not. No longer could I hold my eyes open. This feeling, had opened my eyes up to something that I hadn't been able to see for a very long time. It had taken me away, I was gone. This, is where I would lay forever.

Chapter one- Promises.

Dreaming of perfection, smiles on everyones faces. 

Everyone was here, everyone was safe, happy. Nothing was wrong, nothing could go wrong. The music in the background made me feel.. Inspired. The words within the song made me realise that I would be no where without my family. That these were the only people that would stand by my side throughout thick and thin. 

At that moment, I made a promise to myself. "I will never let these people go, I will do anything and everything to keep them safe. I will take a bullet for them." Those words were engraved in my mind. 

I will never break that promise. 

Chapter two- The last moments.

I walked outside to feel the sunshine on my shoulders. I looked up above me at the sunny skies. I could hear the giggling of my siblings, playing on the lawn. I could see Kaylie running up towards me. 

I knelt down, lowering myself closer to the height of my six year old, little sister. She picked up my hand, gentle and soft. Her hand warmer than the rays of sunshine surrounding us.  Her rosy cheeks, Her crisp green eyes, and curly brown hair. Her pale white skin, freckles, sprinkled all over her cheeks. My sister, I loved her dearly. Little did I know these were the last moments I would spend with her. 

"Ruby?" Her sweet young voice questioned me. "Yes Kaylie." I replied. "Come play with me, Pretty please." She beckoned. "Soon Kaylie, I want to go get mums present first. I will come play with you straight afterwards." Her face lowered. I could see the disapointment, I felt the guilt seeping into me, creating a big grey cloud in my chest. "I promise you Kaylie, it will only take a few secounds to give mums present to her. I will come and spend the rest of the day with you as soon as I'm done. Okay?" I assured her. Her face lit up. "Promise?" She asked, the look on her face begging for one last drop of reassurance. "Promise." I released Kaylies small hand and ran off to my room to get mums present. A golden locket I had brought for her, especially for this day, Mums birthday.

Chapter three- The screaming.

I reached the top of the stairs only to hear screaming. I could hear mum calling my name. Her voice, filled with fear. 

All off a sudden I heard silence. Then, a bang. Another. Then the pain filled screech of mums voice calling my name. "Ruby!" I ran down the stairs, I was terrified. Unaware of the sight I was about to see. 

As I was running towards the front door to make my way out onto the lawn. I heard a car leave, it sounded like our family car, mums car. 

Thoughts raced throughout my head, Why would she be leaving? What's happened? Why has the noise stopped? What was the noise? What is happening? Am I alone? 

Well, I can definatley say one thing. I wasn't alone.

Chapter four- Kaylie.

There she was, four inches of grass surrounding her. Red. Blood. 

Her face, filled with sorrow and fear. Her eyes closed. A single tear streaming down the edge of her cheek. Her white dress, covered in blood. Everywhere. Blood. 


My knees, weak. My hands shaking, my insides felt empty, hollowed. All I could feel was a stabbing in my stomach. I ran as far as my legs could take me towards my sister before clapsing into the pool of blood framing her. My mind blank, yet filled with questions. "Kaylie!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping someone would come running, someone would save her.

Nothing. By now I was holding Kaylie in my arms. Unable to speak. Shaking, Crying. I could feel her hand against my wrist. The hand of which only moments ago was warmer than the heat of the sun. Only now, it was cold.

I heard a gunshot, It sounded as if it was in the distance. It wasn't I looked down only to see what at first looked like Kaylies blood. I was wrong. The blood was mine. My torso had gone numb, the air became murky. The day became darker, all in a split secound.  I had been shot. 

Chapter four- All I can do now.

I crawled to the doorstep, grabbing a towel and tieing it around my waist to help stop the blood. Kaylie was gone. All I could do was try to save myself. I picked up the home phone and called the ambulance. 

"What is your name, age and problem?" The womans voice spoke. "My name is Ruby. I'm sixteen years old, I've been shot. So has my sister. She's dead. My family has gone. I'm dieing." By now I could hear my own heart beating, getting slower and slower. "Where are you?" The woman questioned. "34 Fieldings road." I replied, By now I was surrounded by a pool of my own blood. The phone fell out of my hand and hit the ground with a smack. The room slowly went black.  

Chapter five- The white room.

"Ruby." "Ruby." A voice gently repeated itself. Calling me out of my sleep. Had someone found me?

I opened my eyes to see a white room. No windows, Just artificial lighting. The smell was bland and pointless. I could hear a repeatitive beeping in the distance. Along with the woman calling my name, of whom I soon realised to be a nurse.

I was in hospital. I was on life support. I had nothing. I had no-one. My life a become pointless in all of 10 minutes. 

Chapter six-  Moving on.

Now I am back at home. Still questioning all the things that happened "that day", Mums birthday. Still nothing made sense, All I had were quetions. All I felt was pain. 

I thought long and hard. I knew this pain would never leave. All I really wanted was to be happy again. 

Tears rolling down my face one after the other. I had made my decision. I didn't want to be here any longer. I couldn't stay here any longer. I just couldn't cope anymore.

I took a medicine cup and filled it with bleach. I went out side to lay in the paddock with the horses. This was the only happy place I had left. I sat down, crying harder. I swallowed the cup of bleach as fast as I could. I just wanted it to be over. I started to feel relaxed. I felt no pain.

The rays of the early morning sunshine, taking place as my blanket. I felt safe. The feeling of the soft, lucious, green grass underneathe me. I was dazed, lost. 

The sound of the birds singing soft songs to each other, the sound of the horses nickering to each other. I could see the blue sky looking down on me. The clouds, white and crisp slowly making their way across the universe surrounding me. 

I could smell the dew drops resting on the tips of the leaves, on the stems of flowers, on the edges of the cleanly cut grass. The smell of the roses in the distance.

I was slowly drifting, as much as I wanted to admire the atmosphere, I could not. No longer could I hold my eyes open. This feeling, had opened my eyes up to something that I hadn't been able to see for a very long time. It had taken me away, I was gone. This, is where I would lay forever.

Written By Levi Gould.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2013 ⏰

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