1. That's my best friend!

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I can't remember the exact lines they said since that was 5 seasons ago. Also can't remember exactly how it all played out, so I will have to change some stuff. I'll try watch over them. I am quite busy though so I probably can't.

1. That's my best friend!

"Come on Elena, get up, first day of being a sophomore remember?" I groaned and grabbed the pillow material. I threw it at Stiles and since he's not much of a sport person, it hit him.

"What was that for?" Stiles groaned and I got up. He glared at me and I glared back.

"For waking me up, my alarm goes off in two minutes, two!" I showed him two of my fingers and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, come on hurry up and get ready, I want to see if Scott saw the other half of the body last night when we got caught by dad!" Stiles voice was happy but when he spoke about us getting caught he frowned. Weird child.

"Yea okay, now please get out of my room so I can get changed" he dashed out the room and I rolled my eyes. Again, weird child.

I went to my wardrobe and picked out my Pierce the Veil shirt with my black skinny jeans. I got changed into them and then grabbed my white converse all stars. I went into the bathroom that Stiles and I shared and did my makeup. I did natural because I wasn't much of a makeup fan. I brushed my hair and put it in a mid-height pony tail. I quickly brushed my teeth and left the bathroom.

I walked back into my room and grabbed my bag. I walked downstairs and Stiles was playing with his fingers with his keys in his hands.

"You ready nerd?" I asked and Stiles looked up and glared.

"I'm not a nerd!" I then nodded, "only nerds say that Stiles" I chuckled and he glared again. Geez, he's a grumpy pants today.

"Well you hang out with me so that means you're a nerd too!" I shrugged and grabbed an apple. I grabbed my keys and Stiles frowned.

"Aren't you taking my car?" I laughed in a shock state. The difference between Stiles and I, is that Stiles choose a piece of trash car and I choose an actually good looking car.

"Are you kidding Stiles? Am I going in your car? I don't want to be stuck at school because your car won't start" I laughed again. He glared once more and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey! Don't blame the jeep, it's my baby and it won't break down on me, might with you though since the extra weight being added" my eyes widened and he chuckled.

"Watch it Stilinski, you will get it" I then walked out the door and walked towards my better jeep. Mine was a sport and new whereas his was old and an older version. Something's wrong with Stiles, I swear.

I got in my car and drove towards school. Stiles offered to pick Scott up but Scott being Scott, decided to ride his bike to school. Something about getting healthier and stronger. Nerd. I turned at the entrance of the school and looked for a parking spot. There was one next to the bike rack but I know that's Jackson's spot so I parked in the one beside it.

I got out and walked at the front to see Scott at the bike rack chaining his bike up. I grabbed my phone from my bag (which happened to be the iPhone 6) and checked to see if I had any messages.

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