NEON Magazine - QUIZ

83 16 51

██ ██ UIZ of the month is
██ ██ "What Iwatoba
██ ██ character are you?„

Find quiz here/wrote in the comments also:

Or read the questions here V

1. You are in the house alone at night. Suddenly you feel someone pat on your shoulder. What do you do?

a) Screammmmmm

b) Omg this must be a scary movie! Exciting!

c) It must be my imagination.

d) Ignore it.

2. You see your favourite thing in the world in a shop window. But you can not afford it. What do you do?

a) *sigh* Maybe I'll be able to afford it another time.

b) Run and grab it. I do not care about the consequences.

c) Beg someone to help you to get it.

d) I do not care.

e) Maybe if I save my pocket money up for few weeks, I may can get it and *Logical thinking*

3. Your friends plan to go on a road trip. Do you go?

a) I don't have any friends ;-;

b) I don't know, it depends! Where?

c) No, I'm not interested... but I end up being forced to go anyways.

e) Is the place we are going beautiful?

4. You lose in competition

a) Awh... Good game! You were great"

b) *starts crying and run off*

c) You don't really care your lost, you were only doing it "Freestyle".

d) I wonder why I didn't win (complicated calculations in head time)

5. You go clothes shopping

a) Sorry I didn't hear you. I was staring at my favourite thing.

b) I'm looking at my favourite clothes brand.

c) Trying on this beautiful top. Hey how do I look? c:

e) Mess around with friend! Hope I don't get kick out of the shop!

6. Dancing in a club?

a) No.

b) Yes! Jumping up and down having a great time!

c) Only because I was forced here *standing the back discreetly shaking to the beat*

d) Yes. I came with my friends, so why not have a good time ;3

e) Yes, I have planned out my dance moves perfectly. Now let's dance!

7. Your pet just died ;-;

a) Start crying. I loved he/she so much I will never forget you.

b) *sigh* Rest in peace. We had a great time together.

c) I will miss it *keeps it a secret*

d) He/she was getting old. Sadly pets can not live as long as humans.

e) I will never have a pet. I don't need those things.

8. Ha Ha! Here it comes. Who's your favourite free! Character?

a) Makoto! He is so lovable! We will make a perfect couple.

b) Nagisa! Adorable and fearless just like me!

c) Haruka. Cool and serious. We can get along.

d) Rei. Smart and logical. We will make a good compound.

e) Rin. I like him

9. What would you wear to a date?

a) Something nice so I can make my date happy.

b) Something bold and quirky so we can never forget this date.

c) Maybe something colour... if I wear that colour my date will think... something beautiful of course.

d) Something I want to wear. The only reason I'm on this date because my friend set me up with this boy/girl.

e) I will never go on a date. I don't have time for stupid things like that.



A kind big softie who cares a lot about everyone. You are hurt if your friends are hurt. You are also easily scared but that isnt really a problem.
You will do anything you can to stop your friend from doing anything crazy. You are a true friend.



The fearless one. You are strong about your points and you wont take no for an answer. You love all things scary and you are always confident about your ideas (even if there not that smart).



Dayam when you love something so much you do not care you HAVE TO HAVE IT. No matter the consequences. You are usually quiet and not very caring but when it comes to your interest you are the first one to "dive in"



You tend to be quite cold at first but when it comes to logic and theories. You get extremely excited. Maybe to excited. Always seeing problems in the "logical way" the smart person of the group.



You do not care about anyone else. You are in it to win. You may seem strong on the outside but on the inside you are weak. And broken (I sound a bit mean don't I?) If you don't win it upsets you deeply. You are easily upset.


I do not own the quiz! All quiz/results rights goes to the original author.


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