~{Chapter Five}~

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June, Morgan, and Lisa sat in June's room, observing the mystery. "It's very pretty," said Lisa, looking at it in June's hands. "Sparkly, too," replied June. "What is that so important about it? Where did you find it?" Morgan looked momentarily at June. "I found at the edge of that pretty fountain. Well... Not very pretty anymore, is it?"

She laid it down on her carpet, and suddenly a bit of carpet around the stone turned blue. They all gasped and Lisa placed her hand over her mouth. June removed the stone and the blue color remained momentarily, but then evaporated into air.

"Woah." June breathed.

"Ugh, let me see this thing!" Lisa exclaimed. She snatched the jagged mystery from June's hands, but just as quickly dropped it back on the carpet, leaning forward and clutching her temples. When the stone hit the floor, the carpet around it turned blue once again. Lisa remained leaned forward, rocking back and forth, rubbing her temples furiously. "Lisa? Lisa are you okay? Lisa!" yelled June. "My bloody head," mumbled Lisa as she lifted her head slowly.

"Lisa, what that happened to you?" asked Morgan, clearing hair out of Lisa's face. "That freaking stone, that's what happened. I-I touched it and... there was a darkness and now... My head feels like hell in a hand basket," and she lowered her head again and buried it in her hands.

"L-Letted me see," said Morgan nervously and she placed a finger of the mystery that still sat on the floor. June tried to stop her, but she was too slow, and Morgan touched it, only for a millisecond before removing her finger and grabbing her temple with the same hand.

"Agh, God damned it, what the hell...." Morgan swore under her breath in Turkish, and Lisa was still leaned over, moaning and groaning.

"M-Morgan?" June said. Morgan groaned. "My head...... Why does that my head hurting? Lisa?" Lisa was shivering. "I feel.... so...... sick...." she mumbled. "I feels a fine now. Is Lisa's going to be okay's, June?" Morgan gave June a worried look. Lisa finally sat up. She was pale as a cancer patient. "N-no, I'm okay, just a little nauseous, that's all..." She tried to laugh, but licked her lips instead, which looked dry.

"Lisa, do you need something? My mum has something to help nausea-" but Lisa quickly replied. "No, that's really okay." Her voice cracked slightly.

June went to grab the stone, but Morgan grabbed her arm. "What that you are doing?" June didn't answer, but instead braced herself and grabbed the stone which, to their surprise, showed no effect on June.

"Okay.... Okay, okay, okay, this is... this is beyond weird," said June as she stood up, slightly relived that nothing happened. "B-but you've held it before, r-right? How c-come we can't t-t-touch it?" Lisa was still shivering, and Morgan took notice and gave her sweater to Lisa. She mumbled, "th-that's okay," but took the sweater anyway. June didn't seem to notice Lisa's shaking voice, as she was too engrossed in the mystery's details.

"It hurt Lisa more than it hurt Morgan.... Lisa grabbed it full on with her hands, and Morgan just placed a finger on it.... The more you try to take of it, the more it hurts you...." June mumbled and paced, not taking her eyes off the magical object, as if waiting for it to do something.

"That's how it's supposeded to works?" Morgan seemed skeptical. "Seems the most logical, I s'pose," June said as if she wasn't talking to anyone but herself. Morgan looked at June like she had something else in mind and opened her mouth to say something, but June took no notice and kept speaking, "why doesn't it hurt me? Why am I so special?"

She threw the mystery onto her bed and plopped herself on it, too. The stone made part of her bed turn blue, just as it had to her carpet. June buried her head in her hands for what seemed like an hour but was only two minutes before she spoke again and broke the silence that filled the room.

"You guys need to leave."

"What?" said Morgan and Lisa in unison.

"I don't want you two near this thing, do you understand me? I'm not bringing it to school, no one will come to this house, no one will come near this thing until I find out what it is. I will hide it somewhere until then but it is your job not to come close to this stone or come close to me when I have it with me, am I clear?"


"Am I clear?"

"Why can't-"

"For the good of your safety, I do not want to see you near me or this terrible object! Do you understand me?"

Both of them nodded their head and picked up their stuff. Before June knew it, the door closed with a slam and they were gone. She stayed silent and listened to them walk down the stairs and leave, slamming the front door as well.

June lay on her stomach on her bed and cried.

"What have I done?"

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