Where It All Begins

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I wasn't that ordinary popular kid that got the attention back in Elementary school. I kinda enjoyed all the peacefulness and didn't have to worry about trying to impress people back then. Yea. I played pee wee football. I played it since I was able to start. I had all the talent to play and I also played baseball too. I was athletic as can be. That was when my parents were together and we were all happy. But then one day when I was in the 3rd grade my dad found my mom sleeping with another man in their bed. Yes. My mom was cheating and when my dad found them in the bed my dad wanted to beat the shit out of him. But gave him a chance to leave. But there was a cache. My dad parked behind his truck in the driveway and dad told him to leave with his truck without touching my dad's truck or he'll beat his ass. While all that was going on my mom was sitting on the back porch smoking a cigarette like nothing even happened. That's when my life started to get a little crazy. That was the first time I've seen my dad cry. I remember all this like it was yesterday.

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