9. Signos como Tweets de Louis Tomlinson.

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Signos como Tweets de Louis Tomlinson.

Aries: "Time to get back into One Tree Hill. Series 1!"

Tauro: "Getting emotional haha."

Géminis: "The fact that you work for such a 'credible' paper and you would talk such rubbish is laughable. I am in fact straight."

Cáncer: "Massive happy birthday to @harry_styles show the love Twitter!! So lucky to have you man!!"

Leo: "Wow @NaughtyBoyMusic you're so inconsiderable poe, seriously how fucking old are you? Grow up! #masterofallwisdom."

Virgo: "Remember when you were 12 and you though those Mac filters for your pictures were cool haha! Some people still do HA!"

Libra: "Always in my heart @Harry_styles. Yours sincerely, Louis."

Escorpio: "Watching green day!! Amazing band!"

Sagitario: "Had an amazing @BooteaUK smoothie from Bootea, come this morning #Booteashake."

Capricornio: "@NiallOfficial Happy birthday mate have great day! Big love!"

Acuario: "Ahhhhhhhh. What a fucking night!! You guys are unreal! We love you all!!"

Piscis: "Nobody, nobody."

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