Sungmins Past

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Tell me honestly, Is Sungmin a Girl or a Boy?”

Kyuhyun is staring straightly at his cousin seriously , waiting for her to answer, a truthful answer.

“Of course he is...a boy, How can you think that a girl? Don't think about your dream too much... Sungmin is a 100% boy! You lunatic!” Ryeowook explained.

Kyuhyun moved away.

“I don’t believe you, Ryeowook, is Sungmin a SHE or a HE??! Tell me the truth already.I am going nuts here!”

“I already told you that he is a HE and not a SHE! Just because you dreamt of him being a girl doesn’t make her change into a girl, you asshole... Sungmin is a he, and He is my boyfriend so stop thinking and asking about it too much, Kyuhyun, You’re just stressing yourself.”

Then when Ryeowook stopped talking she turned her back from Kyuhyun but stopped when Kyuhyun spoke again.

“I’m already going nuts, Ryeowook... I’m really confused.”

“When I saw her all drenched this morning I could see already the real figure of her body, she holds a body of a female, I just shrugged about it then...when I got home today, I saw her with only a towel as a cover, and her hair is so long and beautiful... and now when I PRETENDED to feel dizzy and fell into her arms, I felt those things, I felt her breast, only girls have breasts... My theory is true...Sungmin is a girl." Kyuhyun continued.

“I feel so stupid for thinking that Sungmin is a boy...”

Ryeowook is looking at her cousin blankly. It’s her first time to see her cousin react like that. Like he is a kid who just found a candy. Like being glad and happy about something he found out. He can see happiness in his cousin’s face, his eyes sparkle as if it found a diamond at a treasure box.

“Kyu...hyun... Are you in love with Sungmin?”

Kyuhyun just looked at his cousin and suddenly he blushed when he heard that question, Ryeowook notice the embarrassment and turning of Kyuhyun’s cheeks into a paint of red showing how much he blushed from that question. It’s the first time that Ryeowook saw her cousin be embarrass and serious like that. Somehow Ryeowook felt happy because it’s the first time that she saw her cousin be affected by someone, that her cousin already found the person whom he will love truthfully without toying or playing with it.

Kyuhyun didn’t answer Ryeowook’s question but asked again another question to Ryeowook.

“Then please assure me Ryeowook, tell me honestly, is Sungmin a girl or a boy, I want to be sure about it even if everything that I saw is already the proof, I just want it to came from your own mouth Ryeowook. Please.”

And now her cousin is begging her to answer that simple question.  He is begging as if his life depends on it. Ryeowook now is sure that his cousin truly deeply  cares for Sungmin even if he doesn’t admit it to her. Even if Ryeowook wants to lie to her cousin seeing him like that, those seriousness in his eyes, made her feel the guilt if she ever lie to him again.

“Yes, You are right... Sungmin is a girl.” She softly said but can be heard by the latter. When she looked at her cousin she could see stars forming in his eyes, he is happy about that. So he wasn’t gay at all. He fell in love with a girl.

"You really right?" Even if there are so many proof that Kyuhyun proves that Sungmin is a girl, he still wants assurance, he still wants to hear from someone that he is right.

"Yes. Kyuhyun, Sungmin is a girl, she is not a boy, she is not the same gender as you, and she is not my boyfriend." 

“thank you Wookie.” Then he hugs his favorite cousin.

Wookie. It’s been a long time since Kyuhyun called her that.

“Ssshhh! Kyuhyun! Don’t tell Sungmin that I told it to you! She will definitely kill the both of us if she found out.”

“Okay okay fine... but Wook, Who is that donghae person?”

Ryeowook just stare at her cousin , how come his cousin knew who Donghae is. And Kyuhyun being a genius already knows what his cousin is thinking so he already answered her without her asking the question.

“Sorry, I kinda heard most of your conversation a while ago, I already know Sungmin’s gender, I just want an assurance from you. I won’t tell it to Sungmin that I know her gender already.”

“I hate you Kyuhyun, why won’t you just admit that you like Minnie?”


“what are you talking about, I am not...well... I don’t know... whatever! Besides, you don’t want me for her remember?”

Ryeowook shook her head.

“before, when I think about you just going to toy with her, but I can see that you are changing because of her, not those changes for the worst but you’re changing for the better, and I can see that you’re serious with Sungmin so why would I get in that? I am happy for you cousin, you finally found someone to love!” then she hugs her cousin.

“hey, let go of me! Hey! You’re too girlish! Let go of me Kim Ryeowook!”

“don’t change the topic , tell me who’s that Donghae is, and please keep your voice down, we might disturb her upstairs.” Kyuhyun was referring to Sungmin.

Ryeowook looked at her cousin again. “You even said the word PLEASE just for Sungmin so that she won’t get disturbed, you’re so sweet cousin.”


“Shut up and tell me already who that donghae is.”

“okay fine. Okay. Donghae is Sungmin’s childhood bestfriend, They were so close, I met them both when I was 14 years old, but Donghae and Sungmin grew up together, they really are close, well they really were close.  Both Sungmin and Donghae are very pretty girls, they get many confessions and gifts from different suitors, but both of them turned them all down, they enjoyed it everytime they turned down or reject one confession to them because both of them has no interest to it at all. Many thinks Sungmin is like a living doll because of her pretty  babyface like, Many swoon over her, and it really doesn’t matter to her as long as Me and Donghae is with her side. Until one day, Donghae took interest to someone, they became a couple. Then suddenly, that guy confronts Sungmin, he said that the real reason he became a couple with Donghae is because he wants to get closer to Sungmin and that guy tried to black mail Sungmin that he will destroy Donghae’s heart if Sungmin won’t let him be his girlfriend, Sungmin refused because even if Sungmin became that guy’s girlfriend, he would still hurt Donghae because he cheated on her....”

“then that guy broke up with Donghae and said to Donghae that don’t blame him, blame his bestfriend because she Flirts with him. Therefore Donghae conclude that it was Sungmin who flirts with her boyfriend and Donghae became really angry to her and said mean words to Min, that’s why right now, Min doesn’t want to show her face to anyone anymore, she’s just hiding beneath those thick clothes, those glasses, he wants to pretend to be a boy.”

Kyuhyun was speechless by Ryeowook’s explaination. So Sungmin was suffering from a relationship from way before. Her relationship with her bestfriend, is the reason that right now Sungmin is suffering from pain of pretending to be someone who she isn’t.

She should be happily enjoying herself, showing the world who the real Sungmin is, and it is a GIRL and not a boy.  Being the real Sungmin in Public without anyone hurting her.

“she really is like a glass, so fragile that if you just touch it and if you’re not careful she really would break. How I wish I could protect her.” Kyuhyun said softly.

“then Please Kyuhyun-ah, Protect her, I know that you can, Please...”

Then after that they heard a big Bumping noise upstairs, it’s like something fell. The both looked up.


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