It is soo on

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Y/n drug her feet to the end of the hallway. She opened the door, trudged over to her bed and flopped down.

A/n everybody do the flop! XD sorry

Mikasa, her best friend in the entire 'camp', saw you and chuckled to herself.
"Whats...whats so funny?" Y/n asked, ready to kick the hay.
"Nothing...get some rest."
She smiled and left the room.

Y/n, exghuasted and sore, curled up and hugged her knees to her chest.

With one last glance, she looked over to her desk, piled with her doodles of boredom. Y/n chuckled lightly, as her gaze landed on the paper with her first name and Ackerman, written in different fonts and colors.

The things a love sick girl will do.

She thought. Closing her eyes and yawned.
"Finally.." She whispered, as she allowed sleep to overcome her mind and body.

Y/n's head shot up only to smash into someone another.
She fell back on the bed, and heard a loud thud emitting from the floor.

"Son of a-"
Y/n looked over the bed and saw Levi on the floor, grasping his head in pain.

"L-levi?! What are you doing here, why are you on the floor!?!"
You blushed.

Not long ago, you had confessed to mikasa your feelings for the dark haired male. Since then, your crush had been rapidly growing, past the point of love.

I continued to look at Levi as he stood up grumbling about how much of a brat I was.

"What are you doing sleeping in bed?! Lunch is being served!" He yelled at me, I had obviously adgitated him even more.

"Oh! Thank you Levi!"

"Tsk.... Brat I didn't come to wake you for lunch! You need to clean the bathroom."

"But, but, but Levi senpai-"

"Don't call me senpai! Its captain!"

"....But Captain Levi! I already cleaned the bathroom! It took hours to do-"

"Don't talk back to me brat just do as I say!"

I glared at him.
He glared back.

Who does he think he is!! BESIDES my senpai....and captain....and leader...and-ANYWAY he can't just come in here and boss me around!

Levi pov:
Tch brat, why cant she just clean up! I have troubles with everyone, but with her the most! Its like she purposely wants me to snap at her, just for a reaction!

"Dont just keep staring brat, get to work."

Her face flushed with anger as
she stood and walked to the door.

"You can clean the stables to." I added, as an additional punishment.

She screamed as she stomped down the hall.

"Tch, brat."

I began to walk out of the room, but I fell as my foot was clumsily caught on a flipped chair.

Falling, I landed on my butt. Papers flew around me.
I sighed and facepalmed.
Why?! Geez its like no one here van keep ANYTHING clean. Not even ORGANIZED!
I fumed in my head as I began to pick up the idiot's jumble of work.

She doesn't even need any paper.She doesn't have any work to do in the first place.
I thought, but at a closer inspection I saw they were mainly childish drawings.

"Of course." I muttered.

Finished, I put the, now neat, stack of useless papers on her desk and turned around. I walked closer to the door but stopped seeing I missed one.

"Geez, another drawing?" I muttered a bit flusterated as I bent over and picked it up.

I turned it around.

My eyes grew wide as I stared at the girls name written next to my last name.

"W-w-w-w-wait. W-w-what is this?!"

I looked around.

"....Wow..... she's a creep."

I crumpled the paper and threw it in the trash bin.
No pov:
"OH YEEEEAAAAH IM DOOONE!" Y/n screamed at the top of her lungs. Pure exctasy ran through her veins as she jumped up and down overjoyed her hours of work had come to a stop.
Of course she had some odd looks, mainly Ymir, Annie, and Jean.

But also some smiles from people like Eren, Armin, and even Mikasa. Eren and Armin were like brothers to her. Mikasa, well, she was protective but not as protective. Not nearly as much as Eren, but like an older sister.
They were all use to her random outburts.

Whether or not they liked her.

Y/n fell to her knees, she looked around at her peers and smiled. Dramatic tears gathering in the corner of her eye.
"A...arigatou. Gozaimas m-minna*." Y/n saluted, then fell to the ground in slow motion.

Mikasa smiled at her friends childish nature.
Annie, on the other hand, looked like she wanted to kill. A vein popping out of her forehead.

"Oh yah! Lunch! How could I of forgotten!" Y/n popped up and sprinted to the lunch room with her new found energy.

She bursted through the door,
"I'm heeeereee!!!" Her voice echoed across the cafeteria.

She looked around. All she saw was a few other comrades sweeping the floors.

"No...." Her heart felt as though it would burst.
She placed her palms on her temples and applied pressure.

"Please....NOOOOOOOO!! PLEASE GOD NO!! THIS CANT BE REAL!" Y/n put her hands to her stomach.

"It-it feels its gonna collapse inward." Y/n groaned.

"Its eating me aliiiiiive!" She fell over on her side. Rolling on her back she began to pray.

"Dear lord... I haven't eaten in 1,000,987,541 seconds.... I don't think the human body can LAST this long without food."

Christa pov:
Poor y/n. I thought as I saw her praying on her back. Begging for food.

I wished I would of saved her something. Its the captains fault though. He made her work for so long.

No POV again:
Y/n was silent for a while. The others had continued working, until they heard a loud gasp. Turning their attention back to y/n they saw her smiling uncontrollably.

"I've got it worked out!!
LEVI HEICHOU!!! YOU SHALL PAAAAAYYYY!!" She screamed running away, probably to her room. But hey...this was y/n....they had no idea where she was going.

*arigatou gozaimas mina|thank you so much everyone

A/n Helloooo my lil flames!!! Here is part one of the Levi x reader! It'll only be about two maybe three pages. Its still a one shot!

~till next time lil flames! థ౪థ

I said enough| Levi x reader One shotWhere stories live. Discover now