The Revenge and The Comfort

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Levi sat in his office, filling out papers that actually MEANT something. Things such as his review on the newest recruits, his overview of the latest mission, and other things that would bore an ordinary human out of their mind. Sadly, Levi wasn't human. He was......a Levi.

"One more." He stated cracking his knuckles.

He put the quill on the paper and-

"OH LEVII HEICHOU!!" The annoyingly familiar h/c-ette burst through his door.


Levi's had sprung up.
Amished you? Did she just say amish? That was so bad...

"What are you doing brat?"
He stated. Clearly bored already.

"Well its been over a FLOUR since I last saw you and I wanted to know how you were YEWING!"

"Stop...please for the love of all things holy, stop." Levi groaned as he facedesked.

Y/n smiled and walked out. Leaving a broken door hanging by its hinges.
Levi and Hanji took the other recruits outside to work on their 3-d maneuvering skills. They hadn't gone on a mission in a while and needed to freshen up.

What they didn't know, was y/n had gone out everyday. Playing around, releasing some of that childish energy into the air.

As everyone was occupied putting on their 3-d devices, a small rabbit caught the attention of the energetic and curious girl. With her gear already strapped, she took off into the forest. Skillfully gliding around the trees after the rabbit.

"Ohh Leviiiii!! Your little friend took off into the woods! You better go after her!!" Hanji exitedly yelled as she grasped onto Levi. His steel eyes widened slightly at the mention of the girl.

"Tsk...." He did want to go after her, but he couldn't just leave them to go after her.

"Oh just go shorty!!!"

"Whatever." He push the trigger and was flung out to the forest.

He looked around for the girl. As he caught sight of her he manuevered around a tree next to her.


Levi just looked like her. He imideatly turned around and went back.

"Levi why are you back already? Was she eaten by a Titan!"
Hanji yelled.

Levi looked at her.


It was the end of the day and the regiment had already gone to sleep. Y/n tossed and turned in her bed. Frequently, she had been tormented by nightmares. Each one the same,
Titans had invaded the grounds and killed everyone around her. Each person she cared for, would all be brutally and violently eaten by those...things.
Usually they would end with Levi being eaten.

But tonight, it went on.

The Titans had surrounded her, all smiling disgusting smiles. They began to laugh, as the voices of her fallen comrades yelled at her. 'Why didn't you save us?!' ' Your worthless!' 'Worthless brat!' Those words sting her heart as she fell to her knees. She covered her ears trying to block out the hurtful words.
Finally, putting her out of her misery, a titan cramped her and bit her open. Spraying its contents throughout its mouth, and even down its thought. Y/n watched like a spector, as the titan slowly ate her limp body.

Y/n shot up in a cold sweat. She put her hand to her cheeks. Cascading down her face, was a trail of tears. థ౪థ

She hopped put of her bed and speed walked over to another room.

She readied her hand to knock but hesitated.
Will he even let me in? Y/n thought.

Normally she would of just bursted through the door. But upon her recent nightmare, she was to upset to want to be yelled at.

Slowly, y/n placed a small fragile knock on the door.

It echoed quietly down the hall, as though it danced through the midnight air.

She waited, but had no reply.

Maybe he's asleep... Y/n thought as she turned around.

"Who is it?" Y/n turned around hearing the tired husky voice of her comrade, Levi.

"Um L-levi i-its me...I had a b-b-bad d-dream." She choked out, the words barely recognizable as she tried to hold back her sobs.

One managed to escape her lips, but that one was what it needed for Levi to open his door and look at the tear stained woman and know what be needed to do.

Levi closed the door.

Y/n's eyes shut as she tried to hold back the on-flood of tears. She looked towards the ground as her heart began to break.

How could he do that to me?

Y/n turned around and began your journey back to your room.

As she walked, she felt a strong, yet soft hand grab her arm in a gentle manner.

She turned around.
"I wasnt denying you. I was getting you a pillow."
Levi stood there. He slid his hand down to her own and gently pulled her back to his room.

Y/n was met with a large bed with two pillows.

"Go on. But i've got some questions."

Y/n nodded as she walked over to the bed and slid into the covers, Levi followed after.

Y/n faced the opposite direct. But not for long as Levi grabbed her and pulled her over to him.

Her head met with his hard chest. Two arms wrapped around her as she was embraced.

"Why were you scared?" She heard his voice question him.
"You arent trying to just get a pun in on me are you?"

Y/n shook her head.

"I had a dream, everyone died and I heard their voices yelling at me! Titans....they...they!!"

Y/n buried her head into his chest and began to cry as she gripped onto the fabric of his shirt.

Levi stroked her h/c hair as he tried his best to sooth a crying female.

"Okay...but why did you come here? Isn't Mikasa your roomate?"

She shook her head.
"I didn't want Mikasa."
She whispered.

Levi's grip tightened. He wasn't upset that she was there. Infact, he was ecstatic that she was there. He'd never tell her though.

What confused him, was why a normally cheerful and hyper girl, would go to a man of the complete opposite nature, for comfort.

"....why did you want me then?" He asked his last question, he could tell she was about to pass out.

"Because heichou...I...olive you."

Levi smiled...yes he smiled...a full blown smile. He smiled at the woman's sleeping form.

"Good...cause....I think I fell for you."

A/n awwww how cute! I was tearing up writing this! Anyway THAT'S it!

~until another story lil flames!

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