Igor 3 (aka, the most creative story ever)

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Basically, there was a kid who used to go to my school, but doesn't any more, and he used to write stories about this guy called Igor who was a part of the zombie apocalypse. Since then stories about zombies (and orphans) have been 'banned' from my class, because that story type was being over used (so yeah, the I was being sarcastic in the title, if you couldn't figure that out for yourself). As the first short story playoffs of the the year though, I figured I may as well show the new sevies (7th graders) what not to do. The is the long version (it has to be 300 to 400 words and I exceed that by at least 200), so I don't know if all of it will be allowed, or if I'll have to do some cutting (sorry I haven't added anything to Black Diamond. Just.... School. That's all I have to say)

It was Thanksgiving. I stared out the window of my family's minivan as it trundled down the long, dusty, and lonely road to Uncle Igor's.

I felt something tug on my sleeve. It was my younger brother, Al.

"Kevin, I'm scared." he whispered to me and he really looked like it.

I ruffled his blonde hair, "Don't worry, Uncle Igor's nothing to be afraid of." I assured him.

"But he really is," he said, his blue eyes wide, "he's always twitching and muttering and sometimes in the middle of the night, I can hear him and I can't tell if he's laughing or crying."

I sighed. Uncle Igor had always been a little weird for as long as I'd known him, and that's putting it mildly. Some say he actually became a zombie, but was cured somehow. If that was true, it had scarred him pretty bad.

"There it is," my dad called, "up there, on that hill." he pointed. I could barely make out the the rickety, boarded up shack that my uncle called his home. Our car pulled to a slow stop and we got out. I went up the creaky porch steps first. I knocked on the door. My uncle's misshapen head poked out from behind it.

"Kevin," Uncle Igor oozed in a creepy voice, "I was wondering when you would get here. Come in, come in."

Swallowing, I went inside, Al gripping my hand tightly. The hallway that started immediately after the door was long and narrow. Naked light bulbs hung from dangerously thin wires. The stairs leading to the second floor was missing a few steps. Uncle Igor went up those as my parents, Al, and I went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Dinner was uneventful, except for the way Uncle Igor was eating. It kinda made us lose our appetites. I lay in bed, not really able to fall peacefully asleep, a con to sleeping over at Uncle Igor's. While I was wriggling around, trying to find a comfortable position, I thought I heard a weird noise. It was like a creak then a muffled noise I couldn't make out. If it wasn't for that last sound, I wouldn't have gotten out of bed to investigate. I fumbled around, my hands in front of me, feeling for doors, corners, and walls. Suddenly, I felt a door frame and bumbled in when I hit something. It felt like a sandbag hanging suspended from the ground. Weird. I didn't know Uncle Igor worked out. I fumbled along the wall for a light switch and I found one. I flicked it on. It was the same kind of naked bulb that was in the hallway. It swung in harmony with Mom's dead body. I stumbled back a few steps in surprise. She slowly spun around in circles, her blue eyes dull and staring into nothing. I wobbled out of the room and quickly looked in the others, always finding the same thing. My whole family dead. Tears rising up behind my eyes, I staggered to the stair railing, and I reached behind me, grabbing it, steadying myself. A low moaning came from the third floor. I whirled around as Uncle Igor crept from his room.

"What's going on?" I yelled at him, "This is some kind of joke, right, a prank? It has to be!"

But Uncle Igor's eyes were just as dead as my family's except the whites were blood red.

"Kkiiiillll..." he droned. I spun around and leapt down the stairs, grabbed the car keys from the kitchen table, rushed outside, and started the car. I pulled out and drove off. I checked the rearview mirror and saw Uncle Igor shuffling after me. And then I let the full blow of the truth hit me and I began to cry.

My name is Kevin, and I am an orphan.

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