Chapter 16 ~Seeing The Future

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" Wait I can see the future but only while I'm sleeping?"
"Yes " Dean and Sam said at the same time. "Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real?" Sam asked.
" well I guess you could say I've had one ... Or two" Sarah said while playing with her fingers. Sam and Dean looked at each other and back and Sarah, "well what were they about?" Sam asked. Sarah just looked up at Sam and then at Dean, " um I only remember one .... I was being chased by some man and another man picked me up from be hide and out me the brushes and told me to stay there ..." She looked at Dean then Sam, then Sam looked at Dean mouth open and wide eyed.

Well lovelys here's the update I promised forever ago ~C

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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