"We Care"

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You walk into your home and looked around for your father. You just wanted to go to your room without any questioning. You Head up the stairs a bit faster than normal. Half way up you hear your dad.

"(Y/N!) How was school?' He Called from the bottom of the stairs.

You took a deep breath to compose Yourself and tried to make you voice sound Normal. Like You hadn't been crying,

"School Was School Dad" you said turning around slightly and making your way up the rest of the stairs.

You heard him say something but you weren't sure what so you just shut your door and dropped Your Bag And Proceeded To the bathroom.

"Oh Wow" you thought as you seen yourself in the mirror.

Your Eyeliner was ridiculously Smudged. You Sighed Because You Knew Your Father Knew Something Was wrong.

You Loved Your Dad Alot. But Ever Since Mom Died Things Haven't been the same. You find it hard to talk about things like the way You and her used too.

"I miss her" you sighed out as you wiped Your Face With a warm towel.

"I miss her too, We all do" You heard your dad say quietly from your doorway.

"Dad!" You Breathed Out as you hugged him. Your Face Buried Into his chest.

Dad Wasn't There When Mom Died Only I Was. Right Before She Went She Made Me Promise To Always Take Care Of Dad. That's One Promise I'll Keep Forever.

I Will Never Forget The Look On his face. The hurt in his eyes when he walked in and seen that he was too late. That's The First Time I've ever seen my dad cry.

"Whats Wrong princess?" He asked Kissing Your Forehead.

"Me And Dean Broke Up, I went to his house after school cause he left his books in my car and i seen him with Jamie. A new Student. He Cheated Dad." You Explained To him With tears welding up In your Eyes.

"I just Feel so stupid. i wasted almost two years with him.

"Why Does everyone i love leave me?" you ask tears rolling down your red cheeks.

"Hey Hey Listen I'm sorry sweetheart He doesn't deserve someone like you. but i can promise you i will never leave you. Ever." Your Dad says wiping the tears from your eyes with his sleeve.

"Put On Some Comfy Clothes and I will be right back" He says Kissing Your Fore Head.

(Brendons Point of View)

As I Walked out my daughter room i knew i had to do something to cheer her up but i know i couldnt do it by my lonesome. I rubbed my watery eyes And picked up the phone and Dialed The Only People Who could help.

After a couple Of rings a familiar voice picked up.

"Hey! Patrick I need a favor" i said as soon as he picked up.

"Explain?" Patrick Said on the other end of the phone.

"(Y/N) Boyfriend cheated on her and i need help cheering her up" i said quietly.

After a few seconds of silence.

"Yeah Okay We Will Be Over In 20 Okay?" Patrick Replied.

"Dude Thanks I owe You One" I Said feeling relieved and hanging up the phone.

"(Y/N) Had always been close to the guys. But After her mother died she really grew attached to all of them. She was closest to Pete. Always."

He Acted Like The Brother She Never Had.

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