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Here's a pic of Ryder and zarrid Ryder the dark one I'm not rasist FYI every baby in this book I'm realted to!!

Hayes POV

"Dada" Ryder said smacking me in the face

"Go away peasent" I said turning over

"Food" he said

"You can have food later I'm tired" I said

"Come on Ryder let's go down stairs with the others and make food hayes is being a poo head" Aaron said grabbing Ryder and leaving I get up and get dressed for school then head down stairs to the kitchen where everyone else is

"Look there's hayes" Aaron said Ryder started jumping up and down in his high chair aaron gets up walking up stairs

"Asshole" I mumble

"Asshole" Ryder said

The whole room goes quiet and everyone looks at me and Ryder

"Air a asshole" Ryder said

"Benjamin hayes grier " nash said

"Yes" I asked

"Don't be cussing in front of the kids " nash said

"I didn't know he was gonna repeat it butthole" I said

"You guys argue like siblings " jack said I(let's pretend they don't know there related yet) everyone goes to eating there food then we head off to school

>at lunch <

We walk over to the day care I pick up Ryder and we head to lunch we all decided to sit at our regular tables I gave Ryder my milk and grapes

"Air" Ryder said he don't know how to say aaron yet

"Aaron" I said

"Air rod" Ryder said

"Aaron" I said again

"Aaron" he said

"Yes" I said smiling

"Want aaron" he said I get up grabbing him we walk over to the others when he spots aaron he runs up to him and crawls on his lap

"Ryder wants to show you something" I said

"What u wanna show me buddy " he said

"Aaron" Ryder said

"That's all you can say" Aaron said kind of rudely

"Be nice to him" I said

"Aaron asshole" Ryder said

Oh shit Aarons gonna kill me

"You tough my baby boy how to cuss " Aaron said the table went quiet

"It's not like a meant to teach him" I said

"Hayes. No cussing around kids" Aaron said

"Ryder no cussing around daddy" I said

"Hayes your not helping" Aaron said

"I quit" I said turning around and walking back to my table

"Benjamin" nash said

"What" I asked

"You made Ryder call aaron a asshole" he said

"No I fucking didn't he repeated it from earlier " I said

"Fucking" sophia said we all looked at matthew who went pale

"Stop cussing " matthew yelled the bell rings and I quickly walk to the last class period of the day I walk in sitting down the rest walk in and Ryder runs up to my and climbs up my lap

"Hello class did Ryder learn any new words or did sophia say her first word " ms king asked

"Yes sophia said her first word at lunch " matthew said

"What and I wasn't there " carter said

"Just wait tell u hear what she said " JJ said

"Hi sophia" ms king said

"Fucking" she said ms king went pale

"Well Ryder what about you hi" she said

"Asshole aaron" he said

"Why are these kids cussing" ms king said

"Hayes" everyone said

"Hayes this is not aloud I will be calling home to inform your parents" she said

"What no don't do that I didn't mean to " I said

"You should know better then to cuss around kids what we're you raised in a barn I hope the mother of your kids teaches them not to cuss detention after school" she said

"You know what this class is bullshit I don't know what I'm suppose to do I'm 15 not 17 or 18 like the rest I don't know what to do and my kids won't have a mom cause I'm gay" I yelled running out of the classroom I run out of the school I pull out my phone calling a friend from another town

"Yes hayes"

"Come pick me up from school"

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