My Memories flood back to me like wild fire. Do you ever just feel the need to cry for all that has happened in the past??
Your past doesn't shape who you are or who you are going to be, it's just another fact like. That I have blond hair that's a fact, I have been treated badly by other girls years ago so much that I cried for hours on end...that's another fact. I hate it when people assume that what you did in the past means that your gonna do it again. LIKE OMFG EVER HEARD OF LEARNING FROM OUR MISTAKES wow and people call me dumb. I just realized that everyone that ever becomes my friend usually asks me what I did years ago or how my childhood was. Like uhhh why don't you ask me what I have done now. Ask about my achievements and goals not my past.
Your past means nothing, the hardest part is to have to re-live it or re-tell it just cause a nosey chick wants to be your friend. Screw them. Tell them about what you did yesterday or what you wanna do in the future. Focus on the now not the then.
Next Update at 5 votes.
:* ~Chrystallia~ :*