The beginning of the end

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There is this famous movie line that states "pain demands to be felt". We, people, are very capable of getting hurt. We only live once but we experience death a lot of times. Broken hearts, dreams and life can be our downfalls. There are many kinds of pain in this lifetime, the pain of losing someone, regrets, failing, cheated on, not being enough, being used, anger and the sacrifices we make for the ones we love and sometimes you bleed just to know you're alive, but all of them falls into one place, pain is inevitable.

In my years of existence, I have made a lot of decisions that broke me. People say, when you love someone, you will never hurt them intentionally, but that makes it scarier, everyone will hurt one another intentionally or not and it's just a matter of question of how and when. During my childhood, I lived with pain because my father broke my heart first before any man could but that's a different story. As I grow old, I tend to make wrong decisions and one of those was only because of the spark-of-the-moment kind of decision, I let myself be carried out. Regrets, the only thing I felt after hurting someone I don't know how to live without. It yields me to the world of damnation, it is not the kind of pain that can be felt physically, It feels like someone is punching you inside after you've been shattered into pieces. The pain of regretting gave me a sense of not being supplemented by anything. It hurts more because I can't do anything but be sorry and wait for me to be forgiven, and go through all my days of living because I'm alive. All those days of agony scare me because everything might slip away and I'm afraid I can't do anything but let go. Its like things have changed 360 degrees in just a snap of time. The insufficiency is screaming inside me and demanding to be filled. But, this pain can't just make me stop believing and hoping.

According to folk psychology about paradox of pain, "our best hope of resolving pain is to revise the commonsense concept of pain". The only thing that can mend pain is to befriend it. Mother Theresa said "love and love and love and love and love and love and love and love and love and love... Until it hurts no more". Loving can break or mend people but we must accept that sometimes things are really not just meant for us. Forgive yourself so you can forgive others, too. And take everything that you can't change because acceptance is the best remedy for the scorched heart.

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