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Chapter One: 

       “Claire, I hope you survive this. Forgive me.” She said shaking. I could hear the breathless words from a distance. It felt like as if we were in an action movie, exciting but slow. Yet this wasn’t exciting. This moment framed my future for the rest of my life. Her ice cold hands touched my unbearable skin, where the lines of my sports bra had been. Just in time to see what was happening, I turned my oval shaped head to see the front of a yellow school bus ram right into the side of the car where my mother had been sitting. Face inhaling the white air bag. Remaining blood from my mom covered the windshield, it reminded me of that stormy night when rain drenched every single inch of the tiny car. Pieces of the dark, colored car flew past my tangled hair. Glass filled my entire body making it hard for me to breathe. The whole car had been crunched together like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The car doors on both sides popped right off like they were never fully attached. My skinny legs began to fall out, causing the bus on my side to slam into my flimsy leg, crushing every single bone. At least that’s what it felt like. Giant tears constantly fell down my freckled face. Sirens filled my head for the longest time.

Trying to move my crushed head to see if my mom was alive, but for some reason I couldn’t. I was frozen. I felt alone. My eye sight was blurring, I was for sure that this was the exact moment I finally get to meet god. Soon enough, I opened my eyes to see three nurses running the stretcher down the hallway, screaming things I couldn’t understand. Counting every single light on the ceiling we passed. We turned into a room that looked like a regular bedroom, but with tools everywhere I looked. They removed the mask that I had been wearing to help me breath. One of the nurses grabbed a monstrous needle filled with a liquid, stuck the needle into my glass filled arm and my eyes became to shut. It felt like if I had tiny fireflies dancing behind my rough eye lids.

          I wake up to the sound of a crying baby outside of my hospital room. When I was about to yell a nurse came in with a silver tray, that smelled like glorious food. When I glanced up it had my name on the bottom saying “lunch”. Balloons were all over my hospital room, saying “get well soon.” The nurse put the tray beside my green chair, on a wooden, circler table. I look down to find half of my leg resting upward on a platform of some sort. “What happened to my leg?” I scream, making everyone in the waiting area stare into the room. Looks like my dreams are crushed. How am I going to become a famous volleyball player with no leg? The nurse calls in a doctor. He had a funny looking face, like he ate something sour. Wait, I think that’s just how his face is, because it stayed like that the remainder of time he spent in my room explaining everything that had happened. Then he finally split the news for me, knowing I was going to cry. “Your mother.. she.. didn’t make it”. He said in a sorry tone. He and the nurse exited the room quietly following the same footsteps, leaving my face in tears. Picking up the tray I looked at it and saw my reflection, patches of dry blood marks stained my pale face. I’m hideous from all the scars.

Haley Sweeny walks in looking at the number of my room that was carved in the side of the white walls. “I never really enjoyed hospitals. I always thought they needed more color. White just made me think of sadness all the time.” She inhaled after every word she said. Haley is some what the “weird” girl at CedarCreekHigh School. She has been my friend ever since second grade. Poor her, she lost all her family last year in a scuba diving accident while being in the Bahamas. I guess that’s why were so close because we always understand each other. “This is ridiculous.” She explained. “Everyone’s talking about the accident; half of the kids didn’t think you were going to survive.” “Well, I did.” I said. “And are you the one who gave me these colorful balloons?” “Yes ma’m, I hope you like them.” She announced with a smile as she skipped out of my room in happiness. It kind of reminded me of that girl that works at the “dine, or dash” restaurant, where my mom use to always take me on my Friday nights, for “girl’s night out,” looks like that’s not going to happen anymore. I just can’t believe that my life has been turned around just by one little accident. “Thanks mom” I mumble under my breath.

I’m only sixteen, with no left leg. No mother, I don’t know where my mysterious dad is. My mom always told me my dad was famous from some show, I never really believed her though. I’m not interested in seeing him either. He left me when I was only five years old. He took my sister with him. What the hell was his little, hillbilly brain thinking to just pack up and leave and act like nothing ever happened? As soon as I was about to eat my potato soup, a tall, unshaved guy walks in my hospital room while taking a closer look at me, like he doesn’t know who I am and says “Hi, Claire I’ve missed you”. At this point I wish I was dead.


A/N: Hellllllo, this is my first book. I'm not an experienced writer. Even though I did read this in front of the whole Oaklawn Hospital staff, and they loved it. I'm not very sure where this book is going so, I might not upload often, but I'll try my best :)

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