California here we come.

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Chapter 2.        

 “Claire, I know I’ve messed up in the past, but can we please start over. You can come and live with Abby and me. Doesn’t that sound great? He sounded like he still thought I was five again and would believe him. I wish I felt like telling him I love him and all is forgiven. I wish I felt at least a tiny bit glad to see him. I don’t know whether to ask him for his autograph, kick him in the balls, or scream. “When you get better you can come and live with me in California.” California? “Is that where you’ve been hiding all this time?” I screamed. “I wouldn’t necessarily call it hiding.” He explained.

Weeks went by, six to be exact. It was finally time to get out of this hospital and go to California. Michigan just isn’t the right place for me anyways. I always told mom we should move far away from this hell hole, but we never had enough cash to pack up and leave. Two nurses helped me out of the rectangular bed, and put me into a wheel chair that fit my skinny hips perfectly. They pushed me outside to where I saw all my classmates waiting for me, cheering. I felt famous for once, but knowing I have to leave turned my smile into a frown.     

My so called “dad” pulled up in a sliver rented car. Mom’s car was so much sweeter, I thought. He helped my helpless left side into the car. I plumbed down in my seat, finally comfortable. I waved and flashed a smile then looked down at the car floor hoping no one would realize I’m bawling. Being the new girl with one leg at a new school didn’t sound so great. We drove to the airport where a gray private airplane had been waiting. I grabbed my pink suitcase with different colored poke-a-dot’s Haley had given me. It wasn’t really my sense of fashion, but it will work for now. I slowly looked around to get my last breezy feeling in Michigan. The sun was high in the air beaming down on the hot pavement that burned through my ripped up converses. “Dad I’ve never been on a plane before.” I yelled while my whole body had goose bumps. “Just hold on tight.” He said while making a wired pig noise with his giraffe like throat.

“So, dad you should tell me about my sister. Do you think she will like me? What sports does she play?” I asked. “Oh, Claire you have way too many questions at once my young child.” He said softly. “Dad… I’m sixteen. That’s not young, at least not to me.” “You can find out all these things when you meet her. Now stop asking questions and go to sleep.” At this point he was basically yelling. I slid to my right and rested my head on my plum colored armrest. My eye lids that still had a little color from my purple eye shadow began to shut, and I dreamt about magical unicorns running in a glossy field. Before, I thought my dream would never end under any condition a loud rumbling noise brought me back to life.

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