Destiny's P.O.V

751 19 6

The morning sunlight shone through the thin curtains that covered the bedroom window; it came through at the perfect place to shine right in my eyes and it woke me from a deep sleep.

A smile slipped onto my face as I rolled over and saw that Damon was fast asleep beside me. I bit my lip gently and blushed; something about how innocent he looked while sleeping pulled at my heart strings. No one should have to go through the terrible traumas that he had to go through.

I leaned over slowly and placed a small feather soft kiss on his soft ghostly skin. A small smile found its way onto his face but Damon's eyes remained closed. My lips formed a small pout as I got out of bed and made my way to the small kitchen.

I finally found the kitchen and I decided to see if I could find anything to munch on... All of the sudden I felt my waist grow cold as Damon wrapped his arms around me; I bit my lip and turned around. Damon's pale hair was tousled in an adorable sort of way that made him look way younger than he was.

Damon leaned in and I could feel his cold lips press against mine; a hot feeling began to spread through my body as I felt Damon's teeth scrape against my bottom lip gently. Before I knew it the kiss was over and the hot feeling seeped out of my body.

I pulled away and looked deeply into Damon's eyes and I saw longing and I knew right then that no matter what I couldn't ever leave him behind.

He smiled at me and let go of me so that I could continue my search for food. I eventually found some crackers and peanut butter that was surprisingly not past the expiry date. I found a butter knife and sat down at the solid cedar dining room table. Damon looked at me with sad eyes and I knew he missed the taste of human food...

I unscrewed the peanut butter lid and took out a cracker from the pack and placed it on the table top. I then dipped the end of the butter knife into the peanut butter and scooped a tiny glob out; Damon looked at me and giggled softly. I stuck my tongue out at him as I spread the peanut butter on the cracker and shoved the whole thing in my mouth and started chewing. I made another one and attempted to stick it to Damon's cheek but my hand went right through his face. I sighed softly and just took a slow bite of the cracker as I looked down at the table top.

"Promise me something Dest..."

Damon whispered softly as he looked down at the dusty floor. I nodded my head slowly and lifted my gaze from the table to look at him.

"Promise not to fall in love with me."

I stared at Damon for a brief second. I didn't know what to say but I knew shock filled my face and I felt my heart begin to flutter like a hummingbird's wings.

"If that is what you want...''

I whispered softly so that he could not hear the hurt in my voice; I tried really hard to keep the hurt inside so that he wouldn't notice the soft tears that were rolling down my cheeks.

I put down the butter knife and screwed the lid back onto the peanut butter jar; I had last my appetite and I felt like I needed to lay down again.

I got up slowly and walked back to the bedroom and shut the door behind me; that way Damon knew that I needed some alone time. I walked over to the unmade bed and flopped down on it; my heart was still going a hundred miles a minute and the tears seemed to have turned into a water fountain that continued down my face.

I sniffled and looked up at the blurry speckled white ceiling and sighed... I thought that my life was going to be better now since I met Damon; but if he doesn't love me and doesn't want me to love him then what is the point of even being here anymore?

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