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Fluttershy walked home to her cottage and when she got there all the animals were worn out from trying to break through the magical barriers discord had put up. She smiled at the fact the two groups had stopped fighting each other. Soon fluttershy noticed her Angle Bunny trying to break through the barrier. She walked twards the bunny and found that she was able to walk through the barrier.

When she reached the bunny he was still trying to break free but when she stopped him with her gentle hooves he coolapsed in them from exaustion. She flew through the barrier without any trouble bringing her pet with her.

She walked to her cottage and put him on a pillow that she had gotten for him to replace his favorite spot on the couch wich discord had often occupied when he was there. Angle was mad at first but accepted it and eventually liked his tiny bed better, thankfully.

After that she fed all her animals their dinners and took care of the specail needs of some of the animals. There were so many animals to take care of that when she had fineshed Celestias's sun had set over an hour ago.

She went back into her cottage after everything was taken care of she was so tired she forgot to eat dinner. She tiredly walked to her room and colapsed on her bed soon falling asleep

Sunshine came in through Fluttershy's window filling her room causing her to slowly wake up. She yawned and slowly sat up in her bed.

When she was somewhat fully awake she glanced at her clock. She gasped when she saw the time, normaly she woke up at 6 AM to get her animals taken care of but she had slept till 9. It wasnt that big of a deal but to her it was.

She jumped out of her bed and went to brush all the tangles out of her mane beforeleaving her room and heading down the stairs as fast as she could. When she reached the bottom she was about to go do her job of taking care of the animals but saw they had been taken care of. She stood confused and became more confused when she smelt... pancakes?

Somepony had fed her animals for her and was making breakfast? She could only think of one of her freinds who would be able to get in before she awoke and would be kind enough to take care of her animals... though he wasn't technically a pony.

Fluttershy slowly walked into the kitchen as she discovered her suspicions were correct. There he was making pancakes in her kitchen. One of her best freinds, Discord.

"Good morning Discord" The shy pegasuss greeted with a soft smile

Discord turned around at the sound of her angelic voice. "Good morning my dear!" He said in a cheery tone that made her feel happy as he was.

"Thank you for taking care of my animals for me" Fluttersh said sweetly as she continued to smile at him

"Well, I thought you would like to sleep in so I went ahead and did it for you" He explained to her as he fineshed the pancakes he made.

He began to leave the kitchen the plate of steaming pancakes held in his paw and claw. Fluttershy followed him out and to her table. He set down the plate full of pancakes on the table before sitting down across from where she had sat.

"Shall we eat my dear?" He asked with a smile. She nodded as she grabbed a couple of pancakes and set them down on he plate.

After a couple of bites she smiled, he had made the pancaked just the way she loked them. Light and fluffy with a more tan coler as opposed to the usual golden brown colour that most ponies liked.

"Thank you for making these, Discord" She thanked quietly

"My pleasure" he responded with a gentle smile "Any thing for my dearest freind"

Fluttershy smiled back at the master of chaos. Strange, it had only been a little over a year since Celestia had asked her to reform him. She had been scared then that she would fail... but now, now she had no regrets. She was happy to have him as a freind.

"So what did sparkle butt talk about last night at your freindship counsel last night?" Discord asked bringing fluttershy out of her thoughts.

"Discord, please dont call Twilight that." Fluttershy scoleded quietly before deciding to awnser his question "Twilight talked to us about how Celestia had told her we weee allowed to plan and prepare this years gala... well at least most of it."

"Well good for you" Discord replied "When do you leave for Canterlot?"

Fluttershy gasped and dropped the fork ahe hd been holding "Oh no! I am suppused to be at the station by now!" She exclaimed "I need to get the stuff I need to take with me! How could I have forgotten!"

Fluttershy swiftly jumped out of her chair, almost causing it to fall over, and flew up the stairs to her room.

Discord watched her disappear to her room and for a moment was cofuzzled. He chuckled at his made up word if Pinkie could use 'nervousighted' he could say confuzzled.

After recovering from his confuzzlement he snapped his talon and disappeared.

When he re appeared he was in Fluttershy's room seeing her gather some things she would need on her trip and placing them in a small bag while still in a hurry.

"You don't have to hurry so much" Discord stated as she raced around her room only noticing hi just then.

"Oh, but Discord!" She exclaimed "I am supposed to be at the station by now!"

"Yes but I could just teleport you there instantly" He replied "I'm positive the train hasn't arrived yet."

"But every pony will be worried that I haven't arrived! I need to het there as soon as possible" She explained as she finished gathering her items. "But if you don't mind, could you please teleport me there?" She asked looking at him with those beautiful teal eyes he adored.

"Of course my dear." he smiled before snapping his fingers and she was gone and he snapped again teleporting back to his chaos realm, cleaning up after breakfast as well obviously.


Sorry this hasn't been updated in a while I've been having trouble with wattpad for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2015 ⏰

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