The break-up

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*Elizabeth's p.o.v*

I was just a bit tipsy, and I was stumbling around looking for Luke, my boyfriend. I grinned like a maniac because, well, Luke freaking Hemmings is my boyfriend. Every girl in school wanted him, but they couldn't have him, because he was mine. Ok, I will admit that sounded a bit creepy, but I don't care. My best friend since forever is now my boyfriend, and I love it. I just realized I was getting nowhere stumbling around, so I tapped on a few people's shoulders and asked them if they knew where he was. Finally one person did, but they said he went upstairs with another girl. I furrowed my brows, because he wouldn't cheat on me, would he? No, no. He was too good for that. His mum would kill him, then bring him back to life, and kill him again if he ever did that. I'm not making that up. Liz actually said that to me.

I eventually made my way towards the stairs. I got up there, and saw that there was at least 6 doors I could try. The first one I opened was a bathroom, there was no one in there. I went across the hall and checked that door, there was a person in there that was definitely not Luke, jacking off. He looked over at me and smirked, asking if I wanted to join. I politely said no and closed the door in a hurry. As I made my way to the next door, I heard sounds coming from a few doors down. I quietly made my way down, slowly turning the knob and pushing ever so slightly, just enough to see what was going. I silently gasped as I took in the scene. Luke was underneath some girl, with his pants on but shirt off. The girl on top was making out with him, but she had her shirt and pants off, and was slowly grinding on Luke. Luke's hands were gripping her waist, pulling her farther down onto him, before he reached behind him and pulled out a condom. He smiled at her, and she smiled at him, before they continued making out, Luke reaching for his pants to pull them down. Before they did anything else, I walked over there, pushed her off him onto the floor, and before Luke even knew what was happening, I slapped him hard, so hard, that it might leave a mark until Christmas. I could already feel the tears threatening to fall.

"What the f-" he started but I slapped him again, but a little less harder.

"How could you? I thought that we were perfect together, and you go and cheat on me, getting to fuck another girl! I, I thought I could trust you!" I screamed in his face as he still recovered from the slaps I gave him.

"I'm drunk, I don't know what I'm doing Elizabeth!" He screamed back.

"Oh and I guess that's why you have a condom with you?" I picked up the condom and threw it in his face. "Were you planning on this? Is that why you had a condom with you?" My voice broke at the end.

"N-no, I, I thought we would, you know." He said softer, blushing and looking down at the bed. That's when I remembered the girl was still in here, looking annoyed with us and our screaming.

I pointed at the door, and sure enough, she got hint. She quickly gathered her stuff and left the room.

"If you knew we weren't going to have sex, why the fuck would you go and do it with someone else, while you had a girlfriend?" I asked quietly.

"I-I don't know. I wanted to put it to use, I guess?" He looked up questioningly.

"Who gave you the condom?"

"Michael." He sniffled and wiped his nose.

"Michael? I thought you hated each other?" I said suspiciously.

"W-well, we kind of made up, and he said I should t-try to have sex tonight, and if not with you, t-then with someone else." He had tears streaming down his face, and looked up at me with pleading eyes, as if not to dump him. I scoffed.

"You know what? We are through. I am NOT putting up with your bullshit anymore. Bye Luke."

"Wait, Elizabeth-" He begged, but I wasn't hearing any of it.

"No, Luke. I obviously wasn't enough for you, I couldn't give you what you wanted, so you left. So I'm leaving too." More tears were falling as I walked towards the door.

"Elizabeth, please. I promise I'll make it up to you, just give me a second chance." I heard the bed shift, and I turned around to see what he was doing. He was on his knees, crying into his hands and looking up at me every once in a while, to see if I was still there. Which, unfortunately, I was.

"No Luke, I don't want to be with you if you keep acting like this. Goodbye Luke." I turned back around, waking to the door again. I stopped when my hand was about to turn the knob, and I heard his sniffling behind me.

"B-but, I-I love you, Elizabeth, I really do." He croaked out.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have done this." And with that I swung open the door, and right before I closed it, I stuck my hand in, making sure he was looking, before I flipped him off. As I slammed the door and stood there, I could hear him scream and throw things, calling himself stupid and a jerk, talking about how he lost his one and only best friend, all because he actually listened to Michael. I walked home after that, got into my bed crying, and began a long summer if Netflix and tears.

*Luke's p.o.v*

She was gone. She was actually gone. I screamed and threw things across the room, not caring whose stuff it was. After a while, I threw on my shirt and went downstairs. Soon I spotted a familiar galaxy-themed head and headed over. Tapping on Michaels shoulder, I waited for him to stop sucking faces with the girl.

"Yeah, dude? How was it?" He smirked.

That's when I threw the first punch. He stumbled back, the girl screamed, and I punched him again, square in the jaw.

"She's gone! All because I listened to you! I don't know why I ever thought we would be friends, considering if I hung out with you, I'd end up becoming a man whore too!" I screamed as I repeatedly threw punches and kicked his gut. I didn't stop until someone pulled me off of him. I spit on his face, as he lay there, unconscious.

"Let's get you home buddy." I heard a familiar voice say in my ear.

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