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*louise pov*

Today was my first day in london, the capital of England. Bloody amazing. Its always raining. Rain rain rain rain. But lucky me, today it was actually sunny.

I had ripped skinny jeans, a black translusent top with a white sport bra under it and a pair of wedged boots. To go with the outfit i had a blue checkered jacket around my waist, sunglasses on, my haired half up half down and light make up. Today was going to be a good day.

I got off my train and grabbed my bags, there was a starbucks in the train station and being the typical white girl i am, i wanted my starbucks.

I put my stuff on a chair near a oldbwomen and put my phone on charge, i trusted her to look after my stuff, i hoped i wouldnt regret it, the place was packed.

I went over to the counter and ordered my usual. After the kind guy who served me gave me my order, i looked down and walked off, bumping into the dude behind me;
"Im so sorry" i said "are you okay?"
''Its fine love'' this verry handsome, half cast boy said and smiled. The worker who served me shouted a name, 'adam' and the guy i was recently talking to, got his coffee.

*adams pov*

So i was walking and looking down at my phone texting my roomie jake. Then some idiot bumped into me, at first i was a little pissed then i looked up and saw some banging girl. Raaaas she was fit. I couldnt help but stare at her, lady...erm...tits basically. Huge i tell ya. I was about to start speaking to her but my name was called for my drink, when i turned to talk to the girl, she was gone.

*louise pov*

I went and sat back down at the only spare table where i was prior and checked my texts, 3messages, 4facebook notifs, 20 tweet notifications and 1snapchat. I opened the snapchat video from my bestfriend Jade and laughed at her bad singing and falling over. I looked up from my phone and saw the lad from before, adam, i think his name was.

He spotted me and i smiled, he came over. "Hey LouLou" he smirked. How did he know my nickname? By what he said next i knew he read my face, "its on your cup love, adam by the way" he grinned and put his hand forward gor me to shake. He started to laugh and i asked him "what?"
"I had a wank eith that hand about half an hour ago" he laughed. At first i was descusted, but then i laughed too.

are you a dickhead-adam waitheWhere stories live. Discover now