Chapter 1

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Clarke really was paying attention to where she was going. But her mind kept reminding her what she was running from and she got distracted. She was crying, the tears clouding her vision as she drove down the road faster than the speed limit suggested. She didn't see the old red pickup stopped in front of her. She didn't have time to hit the breaks or try and stop before she slammed into the bed.

After the initial impact, she sat there crying for a little longer. Her hands shaking as she held onto the wheel, staring at the damage she had caused. Great, more damage with her name on it. She was tired of breaking every thing she touched.

Finally after a moment she pulled herself together and got out of the car. There was a tall brown haired boy glaring at her. Something was familiar about him, she couldn't put her finger on it though. She was too far away to see his face. She walked forward, her hands in front of her. They were still shaking. The back of his truck wasn't that bad. Her little car had taken most of the impact.

The hood had smoke billowing out of it, "were you even watching the road? It's a stop sign!"

His voice made her jump, and she realized who it was. He was glaring at her the way he had the night she left. She had no idea where she was, but somehow she had found him again. Her heart ached as fresh memories filled her head, ones that took the other more painful ones away for the moment. She was grateful and yet angry all at the same time. She didn't think she would ever see him again, and yet there he was still glaring at her.

Bellamy Blake, the one she walked away from.

Clarke was a mess of emotions, but she wouldn't let him be an asshole because of a mistake, "look I'm sorry. I've had a shitty day, but I was paying attention."

"Clearly you weren't," he ran his hand through his hair, "dammit this is my only way to work. It's gonna take forever to fix."

He stopped once he heard her voice and looked up. His eyes weren't playing trick on him, she was really standing there staring at him. Out of all the people in the world how had Clarke come back into his life? His eyes were wide as she kept staring at him, they were both wondering if they were dreaming. It was clear they weren't expecting each other, they never thought they'd talk after that horrible night.

Bellamy never did forgive himself for letting her go without a fight.

"Look I have insurance. Give me your information I'll give you mine," Clarke pulled herself out of the trance of seeing him again and walked back to her car. She grabbed the envelope from the glove box.

Bellamy cursed a few more times, trying not to stare at the pretty blonde that used to hold his heart in the palm of her hands. She was trying so hard not to cry, to hold herself together. She was a beautiful mess and he didn't want to get caught up in her storm. Then again Bellamy wanted to know why she was here, how she had found her way to his new life. He wanted to know what was wrong.

He wanted to fix it, even if he couldn't fix himself.

Even if Clarke was upset she didn't miss how handsome Bellamy still was. He still held himself up straight, his muscles hugging his tee shirt nicely. He looked darker, his freckles were still her favorite feature. Clarke had missed him, there were so many nights she had cried herself to sleep wondering what would've happened if she had stayed, if she took Bellamy up on his offer.

Clarke pulled herself together and looked away from him. She sighed, writing down her information as he stared at her card. He was doing whatever he could to avoid looking at her. He still hadn't gotten over her, "so what are you doing all the way out here in Tennessee?"

Clarke shrugged, writing slower. His anger had dissolved a little, "clearing my head?"

He didn't believe her, his eyes told her that. He made a noise Clarke couldn't quiet understand and then slammed her card down on her hood. Her horribly dented and possibly dead hood. There was the old Bellamy she remembered, the one who couldn't speak his mind so instead he just got angry.

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