Chapter Eight

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Clarke's heart was racing, she glanced at Bellamy as he drove down the street. His hand was laying in his lap, and she took a chance. She had been thinking about this ever since she came back into his life. She picked it up, her heart racing as she moved in closer to his side. She wanted him, she really did. She hadn't felt this way in a long time. Two years to be exact. There was only one person for her, and she knew that she would never want anyone else.

"Clarke," Bellamy's deep voice broke as she brushed her lips against his cheek. She didn't want to go back to Octavia's. She didn't want to fall asleep alone, cold, and she didn't want to nightmares to find her tonight. She had a feeling Bellamy would keep them away. The same way he could calm down her anxiety.

She felt the car slow down as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his side. Bellamy wasn't stupid, but he was a gentleman. He wanted her, she was familiar, she tasted like home. She was still gorgeous, so beautiful it made him wonder how she could see anything in someone like him. But he knew she had been through a lot. He didn't want to push her to do something she wasn't ready to do.

He threw the truck into park and turned to face her. Clarke smiled, biting her lip. She looked so innocent and something about that made Bellamy's resolve fade. He pulled her towards him at the same moment she climbed onto his lap. Clarke's hands came to his sides as she leaned down and kissed him.

Their mouths melted together, her hands running through his hair. Clarke's heart kept pounding as she felt their familiar rhythm come back to them. His lips pulled hers, her mouth aching for more. His hands holding onto the small of her back. She pressed herself against him, and they both knew what was about to happen. Clarke pulled away breathless, looking down at him with big blue eyes.

"I'm not ready for the date to end," she whispered, her heart racing as he pushed her closer to his chest. He smiled, that crooked smile she was falling for again. That crooked smile she rarely got to see. She had missed that smile.

Bellamy pulled himself up to kiss her again, hard and slow, his hands not moving from her waist. He had done this a million times, with a lot of girls. This time felt different, this time felt right. This was what he had been looking for for the past two years.

He cleared his throat when he pulled away, "my place?"

Clarke smiled and nodded her head. She started to crawl off his lap, but he stopped her. He didn't move to kiss her, he sat there looking into her eyes and wondered what he was getting himself into. He hadn't excepted to feel this way, he didn't think it was possible to let go of the pain he felt whenever he thought of Clarke. But there he was with Clarke on his lap, thinking about all the ways he could keep her safe.

She was his first love. He wanted her to be his last.

Bellamy drove like a mad man back to his apartment. Clarke didn't even notice where he was going, or that he actually lived pretty close to his sister. She didn't notice anything except the way her heart was pounding, the smile on her lips. This was the Bellamy everyone had been talking about. This was the Bellamy she never wanted to let her go.

He threw the truck into park and they climbed out. Clarke came around to his side and she crashed into him again. His arms wrapped around her waist, holding her close to his chest. They were like two puzzle pieces fitting together, finally finding their other half.

Bellamy walked towards the steps, not breaking their kiss as he pushed her backwards. It took longer than it would've if they hadn't been kissing, but neither of them wanted to let go. They were both making up for the time they had lost fighting. They were filling in the years they spent again.

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