Chapter 5 Better Luck Next Time

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Naomi Pov

I decided it would be great to go to catering after my match with Summer Rae just to grab a quick bite to eat Boy was I wrong

"Look who we have here," a deep ole so familiar voice said

"What do you want Roman," I said not even bothering to turn around at this point

"Just want to tell you what Paige told my boy Seth ain't gonna happen really the Divas of Dominance?"

"Yeah Divas of Dominance Reigns wanna know why because the divas are just as dominant as the mean around here and anything the SuperStars do we can do better sweet heart."

He just stared at me for about a minute

"You really think you guys can be the next Female shield Don't you baby girl." he stated

"Huh Roman I don't think I know." I said smirking picking up some Strawberries

"Well even though none of us may not agree with you guys at all I still wish you luck," he said sticking his hand out for a handshake

I smiled and grabbed his hand and shook it only to feel something cold being poured on top of me

From behind me I seen Dean & Seth Laughing with Roman I frowned of course that idiot was playing me

"Damn you fell for it Naomi." Seth said in between laughs

"Damn your dumber than I thought." Roman said

I stood there I wouldn't let this go not for anything

"HEY IDIOTS LISTEN TO ME." I shouted at them that got their attention

"Really a prank you dumbasses must be really that childish to think was gonna make me sad or go cry like a little bitch but guess what boys that just means I'm coming for all of you personally I'm going to get all of you back if it's the last thing I do see you better luck next time."

I said running of to my locker room

Roman POV

The guys gave me a glare. Dean Hit me on my chest

"That's why I said we should have done this to Nikki instead because now Crazy ass Naomi is going to get us."

"For once Ambrose is right," Seth said

"You think she's gonna kill us?" Ambrose asked with wide eyes

"No come on its Naomi dude she's not going to do anything those were just harmless threats she not going to keep once so ever." I stated

Harmless threats I told my self harmless threats

"Okay maybe your right but what if they do come back to deal with us?" Seth asked with raised eyebrows

"Dude they are 3 divas we can handle them." Dean said with a cheesy smile on his face

"He's got a point there." I said now let's go back to the locker room before someone see's this mess we made."

"Alright let's go." Seth said as we all ran back to our locker room

Hey guys Ryder here once again letting you know so sorry for not updating with Bella we both have just been so busy with school and its been a hand full lately sorry for another short chapter but I promise there is more to come

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