Chapter Nine

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"Lauren. Laaaaaauren. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauren. Lauren wake up already!" Camila has been trying to wake up the older girl for half an hour and so far she hasn't even moved. Lauren is usually the one trying to wake up Camila but for some reason she slept in today. "Lauren come on we're exploring the rest of town today!" The demon whined.

"Tired." Lauren spoke for the first time.

"You slept an extra hour already, we won't get into town until lunch time now." Camila informed with a sigh, lying back down next to Lauren.

"But sleep." She argued again, her green eyes remaining hidden under her eyelids.

"We can sleep when we're dead." Camila joked, "Get it? We're immortal."

"Which means we can go to town for an eternity. Go back to sleep."  Camila huffed and crossed her arms at Lauren's words. The older girl opened one eye and found the brunette pouting beside her. Lauren rolled over, buried her face in Camila's neck, and pulled her closer by her hip. "Sleep with me." She stayed there for a moment before realizing how that sounded. "Wait." She rolled back over, panicked. "That's not what I meant."

Camila was giggling, "Now that you're up, we can go into town. Didn't you want to take more pictures today?" She asked.

Lauren cleared her throat, "Yeah." She was still internally scolding herself for her slip of the tongue.

"Then let's goooooo!" Camila jumped up. "You've had enough sleep today, lazy bones." She added before exiting. Lauren sat up in their bed and rubbed her eyes before standing up and following Camila outside, grabbing the tiny shampoo and conditioner bottles on her way out. The raven haired girl sleepily walked to the lake where they bathed.

Lauren was undressing silently in the grass by the lake when she realized Camila was just sitting there. "Are you not getting in?" She momentarily stopped her actions.

"Unlike some people, I woke up early and bathed this morning." Lauren rolled her eyes playfully and continued undressing. Camila unconsciously watched the older girl as she entered the lake and wet her hair. It wasn't until Lauren turned around and made eye contact with the younger girl that Camila realized she was staring. Lauren raised her eyebrow. Instead of explaining, Camila looked down at her hands, only occasionally looking back up at Lauren for a couple seconds at a time.

As she waited for Lauren to get out, Camila starting making two more flower crowns for them. The other ones wilted a couple days after they made them but Camila wanted to keep them with her stuff for the memory. 

Lauren finished bathing quickly, not wanting to keep Camila waiting any longer than she already had. She was excited to take more pictures with her camera today. And explore town. With her crush. Who was sitting a few feet away. While she was naked. Yikes. Lauren walked back over to the grass and grabbed her clothes.

Noticing Lauren was done, Camila stood up and took her new flower crowns with her, placing one on Lauren's wet hair and the other on her own. The older girl smiled and walked back to the shack with her clothes in front of her chest.

Finally, the two girls began their familiar walk into town. Lauren had her camera around her neck, a flower crown on her head and Camila by her side. As they walked, Lauren kept her eye out for things she could take pictures of. They were about halfway there when Camila jumped over a tree root, using a low branch above her to make it across. "Hey, do that one more time." Lauren instructed, taking a few steps back and turning on her camera. "And hold on to the branch for a few seconds." She added.

Camila turned around and saw Lauren watching her though her camera lens. She understood. Once again, the demon jumped up and held onto the branch. She waited until she heard the camera's shutter to get down. "Did it turn out?" Camila asked as she brushed off her hands.

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