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~~Hello! Yes... I know your probably angry at me for not updating I'm sorry okay!!! I will update other books when I can T^T anyways welcome to this new book, I hope you enjoy! P.s. The title might change later on but yeah so heads up!~~

Once upon a time there was a girl named Alice. One blissful summers day her entire world was flipped upside down into what felt like a nightmare. Landing into the wrong rabbit's hole...


I Run. I Run fast as if the whole world is chasing after me, but in this case, it is.

I feel the tree vines whip across my face as I duck and tumble through this enchanted forest. The rain feels like tiny pins pricking my skin with each drop. I can see it...the exit is so close now... My heart continues to race, the eye patch on my left eye slips away as I try to grab it. In the distance I see the door, the door that brought me here into this twisted hell. My fingertips are now just touching the rusty golden handle I'm free...I can finally go home..

I turn the knob, time around me feels like it stopped completely. My breath exhales at last; everything goes into full mute. The door that was once before my eyes suddenly gets smaller and further away and-


The brisk, icy air cuts through my skin and tears at my dress. My falling figure spins around and around, my surroundings turn blurry as I begin to lose consciousness. The dark walls look as if images were being formed but they instantly shift into another object. I could hear the yelling of the thousands of soldiers who chased after me, their swords and spears being thrown towards me falling further down the pit. My life flashed before my eyes and every memory I once lived fades from my thoughts into dust.

I wasn't going to make it, I wasn't going to to live. This is where I die. As my half-lidded eyes begin to close fully I could see a dim surface getting closer by the second. With the last thoughts I had I thought of my mother and father and how much I missed them. I'm sorry...mother...father.. My eyes close and my body turns limp, unconscious.

The surface just milliseconds from impact.

"To fight an endless war is to fight alone with yourself."


~Please comment if you would like more! I'm not sure if I will continue if no one wants to read. Thanks again and don't forget to vote! :) さよんなら~

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