Chapter 1: Meeting Edward

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Destiny's P.O.V
Hi my name is Destiny Ann Swam I'm the twin sister of Bella Swan were 17 years old. I'm a shapeshifter/mermaid I get it from my grandfather on my dad's side it skipped him and I was the first twin born so it went to me but unlike any other shapeshifter I can turn in to any animal or thing and can shift any time I want (The shapeshifter's know her as the mother shapeshifter/mermaid goddess but they don't know it's her and shapeshifter's can live forever and stay young). I have not found my mate yet but I have a feeling I'm going to found him soon. My sister and I are moving to forks to live with our dad. Bella is not so happy she loves the sun and heat but me on the other hand well that is a different story I love cold, wet and rainy or cloudy places. Oh mom's calling me got to go.
(Skip to them going to school just picture Destiny as Bella on by the way Destiny is played by Indiana Evans oh and Edward can't read Destiny's mind but he can Read Bella's and maybe in the future Destiny will be a vampire, human,shapeshifter and mermaid in one and have a kid or kids with Edward )
Bella and I got out of our truck that I'm going to repaint and make look better later. "Nice ride." A guy said with sarcasm in his voice. "Thanks." I said back in the same tone. We walked to the office for our schedule. And mine looked like this
Destiny Swan. Junior Every day.
Class. Room #
1. AP World history - 165 |
2. Music - 135 |
3. AP Algebra - 165 |
4. Lunch - 150 |
5. AP Biology - 170 |
6. AP language arts  - 189|
7. AP French - 200 |
8. AP chemistry  - 199. |
(Skip to lunch) I made some friends so far some are Bella's friends too like mike, Eric, Jessica, Tyler, and Angela but other she didn't meet yet like Jasper Hale, Alice Cullen , Rosalie or Rose Hale and Emmet Cullen and I'm waiting to meet their brother Edward Cullen (Oh Destiny knows their vampires and they know she is supernatural). Right now I'm sitting with my sister and her friends, eating a apple and waiting for Rose and then to come in. I was doing some of my homework when I heard Bella
"Who are they?" She asked Jessica and Angela. I look up and see Rose, Emmet, Alice and Jasper walking in. I smile at them and see them smile back to me.
"They're the Cullen's, they moved her a few years ago. The blond one is Rosalie and the big one is Emmet their like together together. Its weird." I heard Jessica say. I decided to defend them " I've seen weirder and they aren't actually related so they can date each other if they want to." I said to them. I seen a big smile go on Rose's face and Emmets to. Jessica continued and ignores for my comment "The small black haired girl is Alice she's weird and she is with Jasper the one who looks like he is in pain." I irrupted her "Alice is not weird and Jasper maybe having a headache or something like that thats causing him pain." I said angry and felt like I could shift at any moment or use my powers on her but I will not. Alice and Jasper smiled a big smile at me. I heard the door open and I looked up and seen a guy who I assume is Edward Cullen walked in alone. "Who's he?" Bella asked nodding to him. "That's Edward Cullen he is totally gorgeous but apparently no one here is good enough for him, like I care you know." Jessica said but anyone can tell that he rejected her many times and will be jealous if any one got to date him.
(Skip to biology)
I walked in to my biology class and got my teacher to sigh the slip "oh Ms.Swan you can have a seat next to mr.Cullen" the teacher said so I walked to the seat next to Edward but before I got there I walked passed a fan that was on and it blow my sent his way and that's when I got to my seat it looked like he wanted to get closer to me and that's when I looked in to his eyes.
Imprint vision
I was run and laughing in a woods and Edward was coming after me "you can't catch me my love!" I yelled back to Edward. The scene changed to were I'm walking down the aisle to Edward with my dad holding on to me to give me away. It changed again to me pregnant with mine and Edward's kid or kids then to me as a vampire/shapeshifter/mermaid/human hybrid.
End of imprint vision
When I came out of it I could tell I would do anything, be anything for him a sister, a friend, a lover, a protecter. I could tell by the way he was looking at me, I was his blood singer his mate.

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