Don't Forget About Us

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You were in your room thinking about your childhood because you literally had no life, or friends that you could hang out with on a Friday night like this. Your cellphone suddenly vibrated and you had gotten a text message from a random number.

The text had read, " Hey Y/N how have you been? I haven't talk to you in a while." You were really confused on who had just texted you and you replied with. " Who's this? O.o" While you waited for the unknown person to text you back you had gotten up to use the bathroom. When you returned you pick up the phone to see the text that said, " Your old childhood friend. C'mon take a wild guess..."

You were abashed on who had just texted you so you just replied with, " I seriously don't know who you are so if you could just tell me ..."  * Send * Your phone had buzzed again and the text said, " This is Jacob Perez. Remember from 8th grade?" You were puzzled... Jacob Perez? 0.o For some strange reason this name had crossed your mind many times. You never figured out where you remembered him from though.

You texted the number back saying, " For some reason I do remember you. But I can't quite get the image of your face in my mind  /: Hmm... * Send * Then it hit you, you did remember a Jacob Perez!  You dated him in 8th grade. You guys never really broke up because he had to move to Cali. You couldn't believe that you completly forgot about your first true love. But before he could reply... You texted back quickly saying, " OMG how have you been? I missed you so much ♥ " You thought typing in a heart to go along with it was too corny ( and it lowkey made you look hella thirsty ) so you deleted it instead. You had felt the urge to ask him so many questions! Then he texted back.

" Yeah. Haha, I can't believe you forgot about me. I thought what we had was  'SPECIAL' (; jk 

You thought that was cute, you just loved being around him, then you remembered how funny and goofy he'd act around you. You thought to yourself, damn, I just wished he was right here by my side. /: You felt kinda sad and you didn't know what to reply back to him so you just made an excuse       that you had to leave so you won't make the conversation awkward. 

Y/N : Oh Great, My aunt just came in the room & told me to go to bed. " It's getting late" In her opinion. * Send * 

Jacob : Seriously? " But it's Friday And it's only 8 o'clock ... What are you doing home anyways?  And alright I totally understand, I know how parents can be. "

Y/N : Yeah ikr? ( I know right ) And that's for me to know and you to find out Afro Puff (: 

Wow. I hadn't call him that in a really long time. 

Jacob : " Wow, You didn't call me that since ... Nvm. But before you go to bed can I ask you a question? ... "

Y/N : " Sure why not..."

Jacob : " Do you wanna, you know ... See a movie sometime? "

Y/N : " But how? Don't you live in Cali -- 

OMG. I felt like the dumbest person in the world. I forgot that I lived in Cali as well, just in a different part. I lived in Laguna Beach while he lived in Los Angeles ( Of course ) I've been living in California for about 2 years now, & I completly forgot. Idiotic right? I know. But I can't help it. Everytime I talked to him of any sort I just acting retarded. I'm glad I wasn't face to face with him right now because,

1.) I look a hot mess in my P.J's & 

2.) I would've said something dumb like, " I'm a potatoe". 

Yeah, believe it or not that happens quite a lot. -_-

You backspaced all the words that you texted and you texting him back saying...

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