0.7 Ankylsoarus and Apotosuars and indominous!? Oh my!

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Hey lovelys!!! Should I call you that. I do need reader nicknames. Ok so if you have any ideas for reader nicknames comment down below!! Anyway here is your playlist for the chapter:       
1. The verve: "bitter sweet symphony"
2. Jesse Glynne "hold my hand"
3. Imagine dragons "who we are"
4. Bastille "Icarus"

And do you guys actually listen to them or am I just wasting my time? Please let me know bc that would be grand anyway here is a long chapter for you beautiful people out there so enjoy!!:

Emma's P.O.V
"See you around comet" Thomas said closing the door to the ride. I through him a glare but he playfully shrugged his shoulders pretending like he didn't say anything. I watch him until we get into the open field with the grazing creatures.

  I look over to a confused Gray.
"Whose comet?" He asked out of pure curiosity.
"Well.....I'm comet. He just started calling me that I guess" I shrugged my shoulders hoping that the subject would change soon.
"My name is Thomas but you can call me tom"
"I'm Emma"
I ran behind a book case and started tracing the mahogany wood. It seemed weird that I was doing this since I was already 11 and trust me living on an island full of natures deadliest creatures your maturity level sky rockets. But since mom died I've been having a hard time meeting new people. I was a strange kid and only a couple people understood what I was going through. Everyone else thought that I was insane and needed to forget my mother, but I wouldn't not then, not now not ever. My dad had told Thomas my story and he understood that he needed to be gentle with me. That I might break if he's too eager to know me. I had a hard time trusting people. Thomas was fifteen at the time.

My dad had whispered something to him before quietly leaving the room. I was frightened that i was left alone with this boy that I didn't even know. I quickly but silently crouched and backed up into the corner with my knees to my chest. I watched the opening and saw Thomas slowly creep into sight. He had a look of innocence that most people his age didn't have. He crouched as I did and tried to make eye contact with me, but was not successful. He titled his head in a sympathetic way and crawled toward me putting his hand out for me to grasp. This caused me to pull my legs further into my chest.

"Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you" he said extending his arm out even further. He looked nice but that's what everyone thinks when they first meet people.
"How can I be sure?" I said raising an eye brow while I peaked my head up to see more of Thomas. He chuckled and then looked uneasy. I noticed he was wearing long sleeve. He sighed and sat criss crossed apple sauce.
"Because, I'm having issues with people too" he slowly pulled up his sleeve not keeping his eyes off me for one second. I looked at his wrist. I moved from my knees to chest position and slowly crawled towards him. I could feel him staring down at me nervously. I looked down at his arm. It was full of jagged, faded cuts.
"You do this to yourself!?" I asked in horror
He started to sniffle.
"I've never told anyone" Thomas said
I slowly traced over his cuts which made him shudder a bit.
"Sorry" I said. he replied with, "it's ok"
I kept stroking his wrist. He still wouldn't stop looking at me.
"I heard about your mom" he said
I shakily inhaled at the memory of my mom. I noticed a bracelet. It was knotted brown bracelet, it had a shooting star charm.  I started messing with the charm, rubbing it and twisting it.
"Like it?" He asked with a small smile.
I nodded and admired the bracelet.
"You can have it" he said in a caring voice.
He took it off his hand and motion my wrist toward him.
I placed my wrist out I mid air as he softly slid the bracelet onto my hand and tightening it as he got to my wrist.
I admired the bracelet.
"I'm gonna call u comet ok?" He asked
"If you ever need anything and I mean anything just come to me ok?" He said as he pulled me into a hug. For once in my life after mom was gone I finally felt understood. We let go and Thomas playfully chuckled and put his pinkie out.
I linked my pinkie with his. He lifted our hands and let go when we reached our highest point. He let go and made a butterfly motion with his hand that I tried to copy. He chuckled at my attempt.
I chuckled too and replied beaming "friends"
I was holding my bracelet that Thomas had given me that day. I was rubbing the shooting star charm. Looking far into the distance. Returning to the present from a distant memory.
"Where are they!!?" Gray said in a tone that startled me.
I looked around trying to spot any of the creatures grazing in the field. Then one grazing beautifully across an open field that was just over a hill.
"There" I said beaming as I pointed at a apatosaurus with a baby next her.
"Zach go!" Gray said elbowing his brother since he was on his phone.
"Oh... Right sorry" he replied in a irritated tone.
"That's an apatosaurus right?!" Gray asked.
"Mhm" i exclaimed trying to get the gyrosphere open.
A sudden inhale of oxygen filled the sphere as I had successfully opened it. To be honest I'm still pretty good after a couple years!. When dad had the time we would always check the new species added to the attraction or just admire the creatures in general.
I jumped out of the sphere
"What are you doing!!" Gray asked in a worried voice.
"Are you insane!?!?" Zach yelled.
"Nope" I replied as I dusted my knees off after landing onto the grass. I pushed the curls out of my face and ran toward the baby apatosaurus.
"Wait she can't-Gray!! Get back in here"
I turned to see Gray running after me.
"Wa- Wait up!!"
I stopped and let him catch up.
I began running again.
"Where are you going!!!?"
"Shh!" I said I didn't want to be mean but he really needed to can it. I don't think he wants to be stomped to death by a herbivore Dinosaur.
I ran ahead and I could feel him following me. he really is a curious one isn't he?
I stopped was about 20 feet from the mother and baby apatosaurus. I stared in complete awe.
Gray stopped and looked confused.
"Why are we ru-" he cut himself off realizing what we were standing near.
I started to slowly approach it, but before I could take another step Gray gripped my arm sending butterflies into my stomach. He shook his head, knowledgable of what I was walking towards he seemed fearful. I pryed myself from his grip and headed toward the Dino.
"Emma! Don't" Gray whispered yelled from where he was standing.
"I'll be fine" I whispered back
I walked a little further
"Emma?!" He knew I was going to keep walking towards the grazing animal. He scoffed and slowly walked up to me. I held a finger to my mouth trying to get him to be quiet. He nodded showing that he understood my action. The creature bellowed and brought his head toward us I reached my hand out. Gray shook his head rapidly, worried of what was going to happen to me. The beautiful creature lowered his head and I touched it. It bellowed softly.
"Star meet Gray"
Gray walked closer to the creature and was a little more calm but not completely.
I grabbed the back of his hand and I could see him blushing.  oh snap out of it Emma he will never like you. I quickly put his hand on the Dinosaur and backed away thinking of the feeling i had. I sat alone for two minutes.
"This is so cool isn't i- Emma?"
He trudged over towards me and plopped down next to me.
"What's up?" He asked.
"The sky?!' I answered in a sarcastic tone.
He leaned back and got up.
"I see what you did there" he said giggling. He reached out his hand for me to grasp.
I did so and grabbed his hand and he lifted me up.
"We still haven't name her yet" he whispered leading back to the Dino with her newborn.
We both made our way and sat next to the baby apatosaurus. The mother pushed the baby toward us letting us know it was ok to hold her.
Gray softly cradled the newborn. Something about him holding a baby Dino makes him even cuter XD
Gray scooted closer to me and placed the baby in my arms.
"Little dipper" he said with a glimmer in his eyes. "Since you like astronomy so much"
"Yeah it's perfect" I said looking him in the eyes. He began to lean in and I felt myself lean in as well. I can't believe it he was going to kiss me!!! Our faces were centimeters away but then.

Jurassic World// Gray Mitchell + Emma GradyWhere stories live. Discover now