Untitled Story Part

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https://youtu.be/BX6X6b_TCDI Please check this video out before reading this story.

" You do not have to be a Muslim or an Arab to support and pray for the people of Syria. You just have to be human."

Do you know what is happening in Syria at this moment?

Syria is being broken down, shattered into pieces that is beyond compare.

On the one side is Bashar Al-Assad and his government. He's being ruling for about 11 years or more. Now, this is a man that ruins the lives of innocent children and he allows his wife to buy diamond shoes. That same money he paid for that diamond shoes he can be able to save, feed and clothe thousands of Syrian children. If not millions.

The the other side we have our opposition parties; for example Hezbollah and The Nusrat Front.

Then finally we have ISIL. Which stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

Not to mention that our fellow "super powers" are a fighting a mini proxy war in Syria between themselves. Russia plus China are supporting Al-Assad and America supporting the opposition.

Leave politics aside, their are thousands of innocent children, women and men that die of starvation, pneumonia, bombs or they die because they do not get adequate health care.

For example Yarmouk is a refugee camp in Syria, which is stuck between both these fronts. They are stuck in the middle. They have no food, no education, and their houses are destroyed. Wallahi, children sleep on the ground and use bricks as pillows!

Wallah! Where you have a comfortable bed, a pillow and blankets. Then they have the ground and a brick! We are able to go to school but we bunk! We have parents, yet we do not appreciate them! We have food, yet we waste it! We have some money but yet we complain that it isn't enough.

These people have nothing! They can OS's dangerous oceans just to reach a country to actually have an education! They leave their country just get a better life. Sometimes, they don't achieve it. Things just become even worse.

Do you know about Aylan Kurd? He was 3 years old when he died and was found on a Turkish shore. He was washed on the shore like he was nothing. All his parents wanted was a better life for him.

No one wants to watch their parents or children due infront of them but it is happening.

To just to describe how these children are dying is like saying that they are dying lke flies.

Now think and reflect about this.

To the Syrians:

Be proud of being a Syrian and wallah Allah S.W.T plans for you are more beautiful than all your disappointments, hardships and plans for yourself.

To those innocent children that passed away and carries to pass away:

When we are in a garden and we are allowed to one flower. Do we not pick the most beautiful? Just like flowers, you are beautiful angles and that is why Allah picked you.

We are sorry we failed you but you are constantly in our duas.

Free Syria..
End the war..

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