"Ok I will be pairing you up with a partner and your assignment will be to paint a mural somewhere people can enjoy it.I want it to be very origainal very creative. I will expect pictures by next week." I doodled in my note pad as my art teacher blabbed on and on about our new project. The only pert I really cared about was who I got paired up with.
"So here are the groups: Katie and Maya, Jared and Stacy, (Y/N) and Zayn....." When she said my name my head jerked up and my attention turned to a boy across the room from me with perfect black hair and eyes that seemed to absorb you. "Now get with your partners and start with a plan for your murial." The teacher said clasping her hands together.
I was focused on my doodles. "Those are really good, (Y/N)" My head whiped around and I saw Zayn standing right behind me.
"Thanks" I grinned and blushed.
4 days later I was leading Zayn to my favorite place in the world and it was a perfect place for our project.
"Come on (Y/N) Just tell me where we're.....Woah." Zayn stopped dea in his tracks when i opened the door revealing my "Art studio" Really it was the top of an old apartment bulidimg that had been abandoned for years. There was a big blank wall that anyone could see on the road below.
I reached into a small shed that I had put up here to keep my art supplies in. I revealed 3 cans of paint and some brushes.
"Well, Let's get started." Zayn chuckled with excitement and rushed over to me to get the paint.
A couple of minutes later we were all set up and had begun to lightly brush the paint onto the blank wall. I dipped my brush in lightly and whipped it up quick not aware of Zayn who was right above me. The blue paint splattered all over his face.
"Oh no you didn't" He said smirking. I had covereded my hands with my face, feeling embarassed.
Zayn reached into the can of red with his large bare hand and quickly dotted my face in paint. I gasped. "OI! IT'S ON!!!" I said, sticking my hands in different colors and splatted his whole body with paint.
It was a full on war now.
I giggled as he tooked his hand and made a hand print on my back. A shiver went up my spine at his touch. I ran around the roof trying to avoid getting anymore paint on me. Zayn was catching u to me fast.
Suddenly two masculnent arms wrapped around my waist. I squealed. Zayn pulled me close and turned me around so I faced him. His lips were covered in blue, mine were covered in red. We were about two inches away from each other.
"Do you know what my favorite color is?" Zayn wispered.
"No what is it?"
"Purple." He said closing the distance between us and crashing his lips against mine. It felt like fireworks and his lips were as sweet as double chocolate cake. I pulled back and he kissed my cheek, moving down to my neck, and he kept kissing me. I giggled uncontrollably, unable to erase my smaile from my face.
I stared at his lips, they were now purple. I pecked his lips once again. Then I glanced at his watch. It was already 9. "ZAYN! ITS 9! We're never going to get the murial done in time!"
"What are you talking about? It is done." He said and i stared at him with a confused look on his face. "Here let me see your phone." I handed it to him.
He propped it up against the wall and took a picture of us.
The next day we submitted our project to our art teacher. We got an A+ and i got a new boyfriend.
"I love you (Y/N)" Zayn said that day as we pressed our lips together on the roof of the apartment.
Ya That's for Halle because she rocks with art
Ya I don't do art
I just eat ice cream and cookies and pizza and ya know fat stuff
so I hope all you Zayn girls out there died of feels:)
Cuz that my job:P