Albus severus potter

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Albus's p.o.v.

Just before I caught the train this morning my dad said the hat takes your choice into account when it puts you in your house. Is that true maybe if I focus I could be placed in gryffindor. Also dad said that one of the people I was named after was a slytheryn and that he was great. Really

I didn't know that any slytheryn could be great. Any way were there now and hagrid is calling the first years over to the boats. I tryed to see only hogwarts in my mind. But I have a head full of worries so I couldn't see any thing but slytheryn

Now the professor is taking us into the

Great hall and I'm worried sick. If I'm placed in slytheryn, hopefully I'm not, but if I am then I won't be happy. Ravenclaws are alright hufflepuffs are even Better and gryffindors a dream but slytheryn.... Ugh! I would die.

"Potter, Albus." Oh. I didn't realise that we had stopped, let alone start sorting. I walked up to the seat and sat down, fingers gripping the sides of the seat.

"Please don't let me be in any thing I don't want to be in" I think to my self as I wasn't quite sure.

"Hmm" says the hat " lets see. What do you not want? Hmm......

"SLYTHERYN!" It blurted out quite suddenly.

I pinch my self expecting to wake up in my own bed at home. I then open my eyes. No such luck. And no clapped like they did for every one else. Gryffindors , ravenclaws and hufflepuffs just sat there stunned. Especially James. I look at him sadly before mcgonagle was bugging me to get a move on and go to my table. Even she looks stunned. So I take the hat off and walk over to the slytheryns who are all sneering. I sit as far away from everyone as possible. Maybe if the hat really does consider your thoughts maybe I want to be in slytheryn. No. I push the thought out of my mind.

"Let the feast begin!" Said mcgonagal. I didn't want to eat so I went hungry to bed.

Albus severus potterWhere stories live. Discover now