Chapter 5 ~ Star

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Finally we arrived at the warehouse. As soon as I walked in I went straight to see my beautiful pets chained up in the lobby. They were puppies, but was already 4'4. I grabbed two of my babies and told Tiwan to get my white machete. Along with four other of my men, Tiwan, and I went into the elevator since it was spacious enough to fit all of us. He pressed the button for the basement floor and then I started to have a flashback.
It was six o'clock and the sun was just setting when Joseph had came home with two white adult sized K9 dogs. "Go into the backyard bitch and don't move. Tiwan, you stay your ass in here and don't come out." Tiwan and I did as we were told. Momma wasn't home because she had to stay in the hospital for the night so she couldn't protect us.We both were now ten years old and was miserable. Next thing I know Joseph emerged from the house's back door and made the dogs attack me. He then sat in a lawn chair and watched while smoking a cigarette. "Don't be scared bitch. Teach them dogs some respect.", he said while laughing. One dog started to bite my left leg and the other dog started biting my left arm.
"Daddy please make them stop they're hurting me!", I yelled out in pain and started crying and screaming.
Tiwan came out the house and started attacking Joseph. "Leave my sister alone you punk!", Tiwan yelled at him while I was being attacked. I used all the strength in my body to grab the throat of the dog that was biting my arm. I squeezed with all my might until it passed out. I grabbed the other dog with both of my hands by the throat as well. With one hard and quick jerk, I yanked his neck to one side with all my might and killed it. I struggled to get to my feet, but when I managed to stand up Joseph slapped me really hard knocking me back down. All I heard was him say,"I spent fifty dollars on them dogs."
The ding of the elevator stopping brought me back to the present. I walked into my play room and in the middle was the stalker from this morning chained to a bolted down chair. An arm length away was my chair directly in front of him. It was a chair fit for a Queen. On the walls was my torture weapons I made and would sometimes use. On the left and right sides standing up against the walls I had five men just in case something popped off. As soon as I walked in abruptly I knew all eyes was on me like always when I walked into a room and demanded attention with my confident body language. Tiwan stood far off to the side on my left and I sat in the chair that was in front of the stalker with my pets at my sides. I trained them to only attack at my command so they laid down.
"I'm going to ask you a couple of questions and I want you to give me your honest answer. Do you understand?", I said to him while crossing my legs and petting the top of my pets heads. "Yeah I understand.", he replied with an attitude.
"Good. What's your name?" I completely ignored his attitude. It isn't my fault that his ass is in this position. He should've never been stalking me. All I wanted was a shake and some fries. Can I ever have some peace?
"They know me as Red in the streets." He looked up at me with a mean frown on his face and started breathing hard like it was supposed to scare me or some shit.
"Mr.Red, why were you stalking me and my fine gentlemen?" I looked at my newly polished French tipped nails to show him how much I didn't care about his demeanor.
"My boss told me to." He started getting loud and spitting when he talked. Like that is so gross, eww.
"And who do you work for?"
"I'm not telling your ass shit.", he said in a more aggressive attitude.
"Tiwan, hand me my machete." I got the machete, stood up, and put it under Red's chin lifting his head up to look at me. I then said in a calm but stern tone, "I'm not going to ask you again after this one last time Mr.Red. Who do you work for? It's your last chance to answer my question."
"I'm not scared of you bitch. What you gone do with a machete and some oversized dogs? How old are you,5?", he said then laughed. I raised up the machete and with one good strong wack.
I chopped his right arm completely off then grabbed his chin with my free left hand and said,"Who do you work for?!"
He screamed out in pain and said,"You bitch! You chopped my fucking arm off!" He was pissing me off so with another strong wack, I chopped his left arm off and said,"Answer my motherfucking question or you won't have any legs left."
"I work for Nicholas Jones! He was scared that you was going to take over his city. He sent me to spy on you to get some information about you and that's it. His number is (272)341-0298 if you want to talk to him.", he said then started crying. I walked over to the fireplace that was on the far right of the room and heated up the machete until I knew the blade was scolding hot. I walked back over to to Red and put the machete on his wounds while he cried out in pain. I did that until his wounds were completely closed shut to stop the bleeding.
I gave Tiwan the machete and picked up Red's now detached arms that was on the floor and said,"I'm not going to kill you because I need you. Now that you see I'm not playing any fucking games this will be a lesson from me to you." I turned around, started to walk towards the elevator, then threw his arms at my pets as they started to eat them whole while licking the blood off the ground. As I stepped into the elevator I said,"Oh, and by the way they aren't dogs, they're hyenas." If he was to try to break out the hyenas would attack him before he could even stand. "Gentlemen, stay and make sure Mr.Red is strapped down to that chair and stand guard. Tiwan, may you please clean my machete, give Mr.Red a shot of cocaine so he won't die, then come up to my office in thirty minuets? We have business to take care of." With that said the elevator doors closed and I was on my way to my office.

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