Pippi's Diner

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Hey, so I've been thinking about starting this story but I don't know if It's anything you guys want to read.  Please vote or comment if you think I should keep writing it.  I already have most of the first chapter which should be up soon if you like this so let me know.  I'm dying to here from you guys.  REALLY, I AM!  PLEASE!!!!!!!!

So without further intro, I give you,

     Pippi’s Diner



I thought I knew who my friends were.  I thought I knew who I could trust, and who I couldn’t.  I thought that when my “friends” said we would tell each other everything, they would stick to their word.  When my brother said he had my back, I actually thought it was true.

That’s another word I used to believe in – the truth.  I used to have confidence in the truth, honesty, integrity, dignity – humanity.  But now, well, I guess you could say I’ve been jaded, but I think of it as more of a sudden clarity.

It happens to all of us at some point.  Mine was a rather rude awakening, but it came all the same.  And now that I’ve made it to where I am, I don’t think I’ll ever want to go back.  I have learned things that I wish I hadn’t, I have seen things that have changed my whole perspective, and I have lived through things that no one should ever have to work through, all because of those I called my friends.

But, here I am, on the other side of that mess, and I’m proud to tell my story of how I came to be the person I am today – a person that represents and stands for honesty, and integrity; dignity and humanity.  I stand for the truth, and I have every one of my friends, enemies, and everyone in between, to thank for that.

I am Rachel Crest, and here is my true story


I know it's short but I promise you more if you just ask at the bottom.  :)

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